October 27, 2009

1) Buyer buys a new car, or otherwise obligates him or herself financially, between signing of the agreement of sale, and closing.
2) Either party, while NOT attending settlement, sends documents back that have not been witnessed by a notary.
3) Either party, having to bring money to the table to complete the transaction, brings a personal check, and not a certified check.
4) Realtor forgets to either: Bring the escrow check, read the utility meters, neglects to do a walk-through, or doesn’t check to see all obligations on the agreement of sale have been fulfilled-like making sure appliances are still in the house at the time of settlement, etc.
5) Seller neglects to, or just doesn’t give a crap, and fails to complete items on a written punch list. I hate sellers like this. Usually deveoplers. Sleezy-bags.
Through hundreds of closings, Mark will do his best not to ruin the day you close on your favorite Fitler Square condo. Or any Philadelphia condo for that matter! 🙂
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: academy house condos, Aria condo auction, aria condos philadelphia, Center City Real Estate, Condo auction philadelphia, condos in center city, condos in Philadelphia, condos in Philly, condos in Rittenhouse Square, hopkinson house condos, Locust Point condos, Old City Condos, old city lofts, Philadelphia condo, Philadelphia condo auction, Philadelphia Condominium, Philadelphia condominiums, Philadelphia condos, philadelphia loft, philadelphia real estate, philly condos, philly realtor, rittenhouse square condos, Wanamaker House Condos, www.CenterCityCondos.com
October 22, 2009
…see if you can avoid being a dumb ass!

Here are the top 5 Mistakes potential buyers make when shopping for a new condo in Philly:
1) They don’t do their homework- And end up buying a condo with a fatal resale flaw… like a 6th floor walkup, or a 2000 sq ft studio.
2) They overpay without asking their realtor for detailed comparable info- huge mistake. Happens all the time.
3) They use a realtor who is a relative, or someone from way out of the area. Whatta’ you, new to this planet? Don’t do that.
4) They neglect to get their mortage costs AND interest rate in writing from their mortgage dude/dudette.
5) They get a friend or relative to do a home inspection for them. I reserve the right to laugh at anyone who does this.
Honestly, most Center City Condominium buyers are intelligent, and come prepared. But some don’t do their homework, and end up getting kinda’ screwed in the end. Please don’t let this happen to you! Call, and let’s chat about some of the common pitfalls of buying a condo.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: academy house condos, Aria condo auction, aria condos philadelphia, Center City Real Estate, Condo auction philadelphia, condos in center city, condos in Philadelphia, condos in Philly, condos in Rittenhouse Square, hopkinson house condos, Locust Point condos, Old City Condos, old city lofts, Philadelphia condo, Philadelphia condo auction, Philadelphia Condominium, Philadelphia condominiums, Philadelphia condos, philadelphia loft, philadelphia real estate, philly condos, philly realtor, rittenhouse square condos, Wanamaker House Condos, www.CenterCityCondos.com
October 20, 2009
A true variety of sizes, shapes and views make 2401 Pennsylvania Avenue a wonderful choice for condo buyers.

I have always been a big fan of the Philadelphian, located in the Art Museum area of Center City Philadelphia. One of the, if not THE largest condominium association here in Pennsylvania, “2401” has an indoor pool, and outdoor pool, limited garage parking, a supermarket, a restaurant, and a variety of shops located all under one roof! Many units have oversized balconies, with fantastic city or Museum views. The Philadelphian recently replaced all windows, and hvac systems! Stunning penthouse units, and according to www.2401.com, the building has a variety of clubs and social functions throughout the year. Penthouse units have dazzling ceiling height, and top-notch views!
Considering a move into Center City? Give me a call, and let’s check out the value and size of some of the Philadelphian’s condos!
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: art museum area condos, bella vista lofts, center city condos, Center City Real Estate, Loft District, old city condominiums, philadelphia lofts, philadelphia real estate, philly condos, philly realtor, queen village condos, realtor in philadelphia, rittenhouse square condos, Society Hill Condominiums, Washington Square West Condominiums
October 15, 2009
Yes, buyers come to me with a wish list a mile long. Shocking, eh? And if you already own a condo in Center City, don’t pretend like you bought the first thing you saw. You didn’t. I know, because I was probably your Philly realtor. 🙂 I always tell people that I can get them 9 out of 10 things on their wish list. If they want 10 out of 10, then they are going to have to rub a magic lamp. I just isn’t possible.
Anyway, here are the top 5 things buyers INITIALLY ask for when they call:
1) Parking

2) Walkable area at Center City restaurants, Cultural activities, etc.
3) A workable, open kitchen

4) Tons of closet space

5) Hardwood Floors
Though clearly this list varies from buyer to buyer, these are the most “asked for items” when I first get a call that someone is looking for a condo!
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: art museum area condos, bella vista lofts, center city condos, Center City Real Estate, Loft District, old city condominiums, philadelphia lofts, philadelphia real estate, philly condos, philly realtor, queen village condos, realtor in philadelphia, rittenhouse square condos, Society Hill Condominiums, Washington Square West Condominiums
October 13, 2009
…and you thought being a realtor was all glamour.
I have been sitting Open Houses in Center City Philadelphia for twenty years now. If I add up all the hours I have spent alone in some strangers home, I could have taken a month off in the Bahamas, I am sure. But not all the sitting and waiting for some Philadelphia condo buyer has been in vain. Here are my top (bottom?) 5 Open House experiences that I have lived through:
1) Someone once died in the living room of my lovely Open House. I was in a Washington Square West Condo, and PA. Hospital was but 1/2 block away. Buyer Lived.
2) I once added a cat to someones home. The cat was lurking by the back door. I figured I let him out by mistake. I didn’t. This owner didn’t own a cat.
3) I once sat the wrong Open House. Couldn’t get the key to work. Sat on the front stoop for an hour. Was told a week later I was at the wrong address.
4) I once left an open house, and locked a potential buyer inside. She was knocking on the front door, from inside the house, as I attempted to leave. Good save on her part.
5) I once tracked grease from the sidewalk onto the new carpeting of a model open house I was once sitting. I didn’t tell anyone. It still eats at me at this day.
I’m not perfect, but if you own a Center City Condo, I might just be perfect for you.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: art museum area condos, bella vista lofts, center city condos, Center City Real Estate, Loft District, old city condominiums, philadelphia lofts, philadelphia real estate, philly condos, philly realtor, queen village condos, realtor in philadelphia, rittenhouse square condos, Society Hill Condominiums, Washington Square West Condominiums
October 1, 2009
…yeah well, they all do.
Container gardens are very popular with city dwellers- though rarely do I see a small private outside area and witness plants thriving. It is like a death sentence for any plant that gets purchased by anyone who resides within the confines of Center City. So here are my suggestions for those looking to buy garden plants that basically “thrive on neglect”
Tall Plants- Good Sun Tall Plants-Shade
Bamboo Feather Reed Gras
Small Flowers- Full Sun Big Flowers-Shade

Moss Rose Salvia
So if killing plants is your “thing”, Try these goof-proof plants that can thrive on neglect,
and you may have one of the prettiest gardens in Center City Philadlephia!
Is gardening a priority for your move into Center City? Lets chat about how we can find you a place with some nearby “Greenery”.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale in philadelphia, Art Museum Area Apartments, center city condos, condominiums, fitler square condominiums, fitler square condos, Northern Liberties condominiums, Old City Apartments, Philadelphia condominiums, Philadelphia Flats, philadelphia realtor, philly lofts, rittenhouse square condos, Washington Square West Condos
September 29, 2009
…and their priorities
I certainly don’t want to stereotype any particular set of buyers, but it has been my experience that each set or group of buyers assign different values to amenities in Philadelphia lofts and condominiums. From first time buyers to empty nesters, each comes with their own set of wants, needs, and priorities. Here are what I believe to be common amongst the empty nester set:
-Very few stairs
-Very little maintenance
-Pet friendly buildlings
-Closet space
-Walking Distance to shopping, dining, and cultural activities 
While such niceties as a high floor with great views, hardwood flooring in bedrooms, and exposed brick may be a plus, I see fewer empty nesters in Philly willing to pay for such features. Again, I apologize if I am pidgeon-holing any group of buyers, it has just been my experience that different groups of buyers gravitate towards different amenities – some weighted with a higher value than others, of course.
Lets discover your priorities in Philly Real Estate!
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale in philadelphia, Art Museum Area Apartments, center city condos, condominiums, fitler square condominiums, fitler square condos, Northern Liberties condominiums, Old City Apartments, Philadelphia condominiums, Philadelphia Flats, philadelphia lofts, philadelphia realtor, philly lofts, philly real estate, rittenhouse square condos, Washington Square West Condos
September 26, 2009
…ok, don’t answer that…and no, thats not a photo of me.
Top 5 things I can’t get Philadelphia Loft and Condo buyers to believe:
1) It is OK to paint exposed brick
2) Carpeting is OK in your bedroom
3) There is no difference in value between say the 33rd floor, and the 34th floor
4) A super clean older kitchen will sell just as well as a stainless steel, dirty kitchen
5) You will never recoup the costs of a new heater and new central air conditioning system
Don’t believe me? Well, get in line. Most don’t. But it is not like I am employed by the “Painted exposed brick” lobbists, or anything. I am just telling you what I know from my 20 years experience selling Philly real estate.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale in philadelphia, Art Museum Area Apartments, center city condos, condominiums, fitler square condominiums, fitler square condos, Northern Liberties condominiums, Old City Apartments, Philadelphia condominiums, Philadelphia Flats, philadelphia loft, philadelphia realtor, philly lofts, philly real estate, rittenhouse square condos, Washington Square West Condos
September 17, 2009
It is called a Busy-Body
Like an early form of caller ID, Ben Franklin invented this interestingly simple device called a busy-body. Attached to a 2nd floor exterior windows sill, this device allows you to stand inside your home, and see who is at your front door, without that guest or visitor know that he is being watched. So if someone is knocking at the front door of your Philadelphia Brownstone, perhaps selling sweepers, or magazine subscriptions, you may see who it is, and choose not to answer. All the while, the person knocking will have no idea that he or she has been seen. The set of 3 mirrors is angled so the image of your front door stoop is reflected directly into a window on the 2nd floor. Again, so you can see who it at your door, without having to answer your door. That Benjamin Franklin was one smart guy!
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale in philadelphia, Art Museum Area Apartments, center city condos, condominiums, fitler square condominiums, fitler square condos, Northern Liberties condominiums, Old City Apartments, Philadelphia condominiums, Philadelphia Flats, philadelphia lofts, philadelphia realtor, philly lofts, philly real estate, rittenhouse square condos, Washington Square West Condos
September 15, 2009

(An Over Priced Piece Of Crap)
Step right up, and get in line, because I see buyers shelling out good money for them all the time. Although, since they are not “my” buyers, I have no right to step in and tell them what I think. Well, that ain’t going to be the case if you happen to contact me, and we decide to go condo shopping. You are going to get full-on honesty.
Snarky, yes. Honest- you betcha.
I have to be bloody honest and truthful if I see you dangling over the edge of a cliff. Perhaps I am too much of a big-brain, or I have too many opinions. Or maybe I just know what the heck I am doing when it comes to Philly Real Estate, and don’t want to see you buy in a building that I believe is a poor investment.
Whatever the case, if you don’t like me, then fire me, or don’t return my phone calls. But I am going to be a loud mouth, and that is just my style.
Though I can’t control the overall Philadelphia loft and condo market, I can hopefully help you avoid some of the pitfalls that I see buyers fall into. That is my goal. To keep you as clean as possible!
Drop me a note if you want to chat sometime…
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale in philadelphia, Art Museum Area Apartments, center city condos, condominiums, fitler square condominiums, fitler square condos, Northern Liberties condominiums, Old City Apartments, Philadelphia condominiums, Philadelphia Flats, philadelphia realtor, philly lofts, rittenhouse square condos, Washington Square West Condos
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