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Condos and Lofts


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February 22, 2016

Like A New Car- New Construction Condos Can Initially Depreciate

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 11:48 am

New condos that have never been occupied are a strong draw for many buyers here in Center City and there are premiums to be paid for that novelty/aspect of any particular new condo in town. And there also is a premium for floor height and view in all of our new construction pieces.

can't keep a Secret

If we do see any initial depreciation of a new construction condominium, we generally see that played out in the premiums paid for floor height and any such depreciation usually occurs within the first year or so.  Buying a new condo then trying to resale within the first year can result in a somewhat mild “hit” on the value of the condo. Sellers are taking away the shine or appeal of the premium paid for a unit being brand spankin’ new and will often see a drop in value. Though usually not a striking drop in value, but a drop in value none the less.  We see this most often in condos where the seller has paid for upgrades that may suit their needs, but don’t always suit the needs or tastes of the buyers that follow.  And sometimes the attribute that pulls the value down is the premium paid for floor height.  Subsequent buyers come at the building looking for an average sale price of a given type of unit and want to pay based upon that figure.  Stronger locations in town, like Rittenhouse Square, have a tendency to be a bit more elastic- they are the first neighborhoods to see a drop in inventory with any influx of buyers to the market. That’s a good thing.

This scenario and resulting depreciation is usually wiped off the books after year one. It is the initial depreciation of a new condo that is loaded towards the front of ownership- like in the first year. Once that hurdle is cleared- the possibility of depreciation lifts as well.

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November 8, 2010

Center City Real Estate Fun Facts

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,Real Estate: Condominiums,State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 1:04 pm

Lifted from an article I read on and

– A little less than half the working people who live in Center City have jobs there. One-quarter commute out to the suburbs. Most of the rest work elsewhere in Philadelphia – except around wealthy Rittenhouse Square, where nearly one-fifth of the population works in New York or some other “Out of Area” location.

– Around one in three Center City workers walk to their job. Almost as many “reverse commute” by car. About a quarter take Septa or Patco. 6% work at home; 5% bike.

– Philadelphia “is weathering the recession much better than other places,” at least partly because we didn’t inflate so much:

Philadelphia ranks with energy-rich Dallas and Denver as places where home prices are off less than 10% since the market peaked three years ago.

Know any fun facts about living in Center City Philadelphia you want to share/comment on? Let me know!

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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July 12, 2010

Auction Results from CU 257

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 8:55 pm

The third auction in the Center City condo segment of the market to occur. I would deem it a success. Here is what I understand folks paid.

Here is the breakdown of the prices.  These prices are the winning bid prices and do not include the 10%  auction premium on each winning bid.
1.  $615,000 Unit 601E
2.  $600,000 Unit 601W
3.  $470,000 Unit 401W
4.  $495,000 501E
5.  $485,000 501W
6.  $455,000 301E
7.  $455,000 401E
8.  $445,000 201E
9.  $435,000 301W
And if you think this is the last Center City Condo auction that is going to take place, I would suggest you are wrong! Keep your eyes open for more future auctions! Call or email me if you want me to comment on these prices!  215.521.1523
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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April 16, 2009

Yippee! Congress has made it $8000 easier to buy your new home

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,General Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 4:06 pm

The new Federal Home Buyer Tax Credit provides $8000 to help qualified first-time home buyers get into the house of their dreams. Described as the opportunity of a lifetime, this program has drawn a lot of interest from the first-time buyers market, which seems to remain strong here in Center City Philadelphia. Coupled with very low interest rates, and a softening of home prices in the area, perhaps now might indeed be a good time to buy a home in Center City Philadelphia.

For more information, please visit:

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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April 9, 2009

2201 Cherry St. – One Of the Top Three Best Buys in a Center City Condominium

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 2:15 pm

Located in the Logan Circle area of Center City (roughly, the mid North West quadrant of town), sits a quiet almost unnoticed mid/high rise condo buildings, simply known as 2201 Cherry St.

Clad in a white stucco-esque exterior interrupted by a series of windows and small balconies, this 11 story, fourty unit condominium building was first occupied in early 1988. Interestingly enough, almost all units have parking. Penthouse units available as well.
With just four units per floor, the building retains a somewhat quiet boutique feeling. A large (1055 sq ft) and small one bedroom condo (a whopping 948 sq ft!), and large (1264 sq ft.) and small (1115 sq. ft) two bedroom condo per floor. All the two bedroom units have walk in closets, and small balconies. And of course, each unit has its own heating and air conditioning units, and deeded on-site parking. Extra storage is provided for choice condos at 2201 Cherry St. We give this building our first “5 Star” recommendation!
Located close to the new Schuylkill River Trail, and not far from the Trader Joes food store, the location has seen a great improvement in services, and “things to do”. 2201 provides easy access to I-76 and the Amtrack Train station at 30th Street, as well as Kelly Drive, and the high rise business district along Market Street.
I choose 2201 Cherry St. as an outstanding value in the Philadelphia condo market because:  Prices are fairly undervalued , The on-site deeded parking, and the general layout of the units, and proximity to 30th Street Station, and access to I-676.    Some of the corner two bedroom units allow for an open kitchen/dining/livingroom combo that is a descent size for the price- provided you remove the non-load bearing partition between the two rooms. Not a difficult task, in my opinion.

Great value, an improving location, an active and progressive minded condominium association that manges the buiding well, are all the reasons why I think 2201 Cherry St. is tough to beat in terms of value in the Philadelphia real estate condo market.

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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March 19, 2009

Dude-Your condo STILL smells like dog pee.

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,General Real Estate,Of Interest To Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 8:47 am

As a longtime Philadelphia Realtor, I see the value in a good appearance of your Center City Condominium, and a good first impression.

Nevermind that your kitchen has white appliances, and formica countertops. Those sins are forgiveable.  Most folks can even get past a seller’s vanilla bathroom and maybe even the lack of good natural light. But your ratty futon from your college days? Your clear lack of ownership in a sweeper, or a mop?  More than any home improvement, if you are looking to increase the value of your condo in Philly, get yourself some Mop N Glo, and get cleaning.

Most buyers are not interested in having your dirt and grime transfer with title. Unless of course, you are looking to attract really low offers.

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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March 10, 2009

Exposed Brick Walls – Some finishing options

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,General Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers,Of Interest To Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 4:29 pm

Generally accompanied by oversized windows and high ceilings, exposed brick walls lend an air of casual comfort to many Old City lofts, and other Center City abodes. But the treatment of those walls need not take on the same ol’ look, time after time.

Some Opt to varnish, or apply polyurethane to the brick, thereby controlling the brick dust accumulation, and giving the brick a bit of a shine, not unlike shiny hardwood flooring.

Another option, which I strongly prefer, would be the Painted Exposed brick look. Though I can rarely convince others to paint their exposed brick, some of the coolest and most hip looks are achieved by taking a  colored paint to interior exposed brick finishes.

Of course, once you paint an exposed brick wall, you are kinda’ stuck with the look, unless you go and have the walls sandblasted. Not a process I would wish upon my worst enemy! Messy, to say the least.

Looking for cool and hip? Let’s take a look at some units together? Maybe a Fitler Square Condo? Give me a call at 215.521.1523 or email me at

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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March 5, 2009

Views can heavily influence value in High Rise Philadelphia condos

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,General Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers,Of Interest To Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 1:12 pm

…and floor height isn’t the only factor affecting values within the same buildings
Probably the most overlooked effect on value to high rise Rittenhouse Square condos is the view that any particular condominium building offers. And not all views are created equal. Let compare and contrast a few different scenarios. All are based on my opinion, as a fairly seasoned Center City realtor who specializes in condo sales-
1) It is possible for a posh Rittenhouse Square condo to nearly double in value if it has a full squre view (as opposed to say the identical unit with NO view of the square).

2) In some buildings, the highest values have been posted not only on the highest floors, but also on what we call “treetop” view. A very nice view of the treetops, say on the 5th floor of a Philadelphia highrise condo can be very appealling to a number of buyers

3) A condo on a high Floor does not always warrant a higher sales price. IS there a benefit to looking directly into a neighboring high rise condo building- from the 27th vs the 8th floor?

4) I personally have found few buyers to discriminate between an East vs West view. However, a number of condo values are greatly affected by a North Vs South view.


5) Not all views from the 16th floor of various buildings are the same. Think about ceiling height, and windows that run floor to ceiling. The building itself can manipulate either the view, or the feeling that the view offers, and this in turn will affect resale value and overall appeal.

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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January 29, 2009

Philly New Construction Condos

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 4:27 pm

Philadelphia has been graced with some wonderful, and some not so wonderful additions to their condominium inventory over the past five years. Some are selling quite well, and some- well, not so much.

I think that the popularity of a certain building has to do more with the buildings cache, or “je ne sais quoi” rather than the normal fluctuations that occur within a given real estate market at any given time.  By that I mean that some buildings are, and have sold well due to either the builder’s name, or hype that surrounds such buildings. The lack of such hype can be devastating. 

From ultra-contemporary to elegantly conservative, Philadelphians seem split on the style design of the condos they prefer.  We have seen some very high end Penthouse units sell in Old City lately, and the addition of the most modern building to hit town become erected at 13th and South Streets.

New construction is favored by many, due to Philadelphia’s tax abatement , and the stylish finishes found in many new high and mid rise Center City condo buildings. Even high-end condos can be found, bursting with amenities, in some low rise Brownstone conversions projects found scattered about town.

In a town that brought you Ben Franklin, and Betsy Ross, historic and pre-war condos do have their place. But for some, there is nothing like a new construction condo here in Center City Philadelphia.

Like New? Prefer Old? Let’s chat! 

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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January 20, 2009

Putting Foreclosures into perspective

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 4:38 pm

One of the most distressing real estate topics we hear in the news is the foreclosure rate.  Realty Trac, the California based company that tracks foreclosure information, just released the news that foreclosures rose 81% in 2008.  But to put this in the proper perspective, one needs to consider two things:
The total percentage of homes in foreclosure is 1.84%.  An 81% increase appears dramatic, but the fact is that this overall percentage rate is relatively small.

The majority of foreclosures are in areas of the country where real estate values rose at unsustainable rates and/or land available for development caused excess new construction.  These include the coastal areas of California and Florida, as well as Arizona and Las Vegas, Nevada.  One of the primary reasons that there has been steep price declines in these areas is because of the number of foreclosed properties on the market. 
The eight-county Philadelphia region placed 77th of 100 metro areas nationwide in the number of foreclosure filings recorded in 2008, not too bad.

If you are looking to find a great deal here in Center City Philadelphia, give me a call at 215.521.1523 or drop me an email at

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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530 Walnut Street, Suite 480
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Direct: 215.521.1523 ~ Office: 215.627.6005
Fax: 215.627.3142
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