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September 16, 2008

The Lofts at Bella Vista

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 9:04 am

Located on the corner of Washington Avenue and 11th Street in the Bella Vista section of Center City Philadelphia, The Lofts at Bella Vista are a wonderful addition to this thriving neighborhood! Just two blocks from the Italian Market, BV Lofts offer a wide range of condominium sizes, shapes, and designs. Impressive penthouse units, and MIND BLOWING Villa units, which sit atop this historic building, are a real Must-See for those entering the Philadelphia condo market!

Indoor garage parking, high ceilings, and modern common areas make this building very attractive and desirable for all price ranges for many Philly condo buyers. High end modern and attractive finishes like polished concrete floors, along with a tax abatement, 24 hour front door person, and wonderful city views all add up to a strong mix which should pique the interest of a wide variety of Center City condominium buyers!

Interested in taking a look at these groovy condos? Give me a call at 215.521.1523 or drop me and email at

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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September 11, 2008

What is the current market value for a Center City Parking spot?

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers,Of Interest To Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 12:41 pm

Parking in Center City Philadelphia is a treasured commodity. Since most single family homes in the downtown Philly area were built prior to Henry Ford cranking out his Model T’s, it is fair to assume that less than half the single family homes have parking- ditto for a number of existing condos in Philadelphia. And a good number of high rise condos in Philly just offer rental parking. With the advent of a number of new high rise condo projects in Center City, the number of parking spaces has ballooned in the past few years. Yippee!!

I remember back in 1990 when a lot on 3rd Street in Society Hill moved some lot lines and created ONE new parking spot, in an existing (say) twenty car lot. The spot went up for auction, and sold for $60,000. I also recall someone buying a neighboring home, as it had two car parking. They rented the house out, and kept the parking for their 200 year old Society Hill townhouse which was just around the corner. 

You can purchase a spot at the Parkominium in Old City for around $30,000- perhaps a bit more or less, depending on which spot you choose. You can buy a second parking spot at the Bella Vista lofts, via a LIFT, for $10,000 (your 2nd car sits on a lift, above your first car’s parking spot). Generally, in new construction condos in Philadelphia, a parking spot can be purchased anywhere from $30,000-$70,000 depending on the exclusivity of the building, and just how “preferred’ the parking spot is, within the parking structure.

I read that a parking spot in NYC (on West 17th Street) recently sold for $225,000 –that of course, being on the high end. My guess is that IF you could add a parking spot to say 1830 Rittenhouse Square (an impressive pre-war Center City condo building that currently has no parking), you could fetch up to about $125,000 for that spot. There would be a lot of “if’s” attached, and that is just a made up scenario, but I would guess that $125,000 would be about the max someone might pay for such an amenity.

Looking for that perfect condo, with a side of parking?

Give me a call at 215-521-1523 or drop me an email at and let’s see if we can’t find just what you are looking for ~ in a condo, and in a parking space!

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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September 9, 2008

A few Ways you WIN, even if you sell your Philadelphia real estate for the same price you paid

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers,Of Interest To Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 2:10 pm

1) For every month you lived in your new Center City pad, and made a mortgage payment, you were able  to deduct the interest on the loan.  Try that with a rental payment. And be sure to let the IRS know of your plan here, as I am sure it will go over well with them.

2) You were able to paint the living room that hideous red your wife/husband/other wanted, and didn’t have to worry about NOT getting your security deposit back

3) If you had a fixed rate mortgage, you were able to plan on stable month payments, without the threat of yearly increases in rent, which most landlords do as a matter of habit, as opposed to doing so based on market conditions

4) You didn’t have to worry that your landlord was going to kick you to the curb after your lease expiration period, in order to turn the apartment into condos

5) You had the “quiet use and enjoyment” of the home to do as you please. The piece of mind that only comes from home ownership. 

6) And you now have the pride of owning your own  garden rake, a lawnmower, and perhaps washer and dryer.

Buying a piece of real estate in Philadelphia isn’t always about financial appreciation. Sometimes, the added value is the piece of mind you have knowing that you have a roof over your head that belongs to you. And your bank.

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach Realtors
PREA Top 100 Award- 2005, 2006, 2007

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August 29, 2008

You call THAT a Penthouse?

Filed under: Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 2:05 pm

Often in the Philadelphia condo market, we see a unit advertised as a “Penthouse”. But what is a Penthouse? Is it simply a condominium that happens to be on the top floor of any give Philadelphia condominium building? It would seem that many sellers and developers seem to think so. And often times, that unit doesn’t even have to be on the TOP floor….many buildings here in town describe a penthouse as any unit on the top, say three floors.

My friend Roseann has a listing that she describes as a penthouse. And in my mind, it is. It is a top floor unit at the Lenox, and what is really neat about it is that it is set back from the rest of the building (from the facade) and has a wrap-around terrace. It is unlike any other units in the building, and is really neat. It evokes the my feelings of a true penthouse.

Some penthouses here in the Philadelphia condominium market are unmistakenly Penthouses. Others could be called imposters. I am not here to judge…you be the judge. I just wish that less sellers and developers would restain from calling a top floor unit in a four story walk-up a “Penthouse”. Is it really?

I would have to say that there would need to be distinquishing charactorstics that set a Penthouse apart from the other units in the building. Either say on THE top floor, or possibly have outside space that other units don’t, or maybe the entire top floor is “keyed off” from other floors in the building. Or perhaps the physical charactoristics of the interior set it apart from the other units.

Both Britannica Online and Merriam-Webster define penthouse as “a structure or dwelling built on the roof of a building.” So….if the unit is NOT on the top floor, is not set back from the facade, doesn’t have outside space, or isn’t visually different from units on say, the 3rd floor of any given Philadelphia condominium building, it is really a penthouse??

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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June 19, 2008

Center City Condo Owners: Have you seen this?

Filed under: General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 10:21 am

25th and Locust Streets-Entrance to the Schuylkill River Trail

Fairmont Park has a really neat addition which incorporates a link between Center City, and up Kelly Drive.  A jogging/biking/walking/roller blade trail which begins where Locust Street ends (at 25th Street) and runs past Philadelphia’s Fairmount WaterWorks along the Tidal section of the Schuylkill River, which they call Schuylkill Banks, up Kelly Drive, up to East Falls, and perhaps even beyond. From there I don’t know that section too well. But what a neat attraction for those who live in the area. Instead of jogging down the sidewalks of town, having to dodge traffic at every intersection, you now have the River trail that will allow you to see really neat stuff…like trees, grass, and people on bicycles. Cool.

I am amazed every time I drive past and see the throngs of folks out exercising, and making great use of this trail. A wonderful way to get city dwellers out into the park, and a great way to make our fair city a more useful, enjoyable, and healthy one!

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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June 17, 2008

A Philadelphia Condominium Buyer’s Day of Closing

Filed under: Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 12:25 pm

Here are some helpful hints on what to do/what to expect on your “big” day:

1) Make sure that the funds you have are either in the form of a certified check, or your funds have been wired into the title company’s account. No one is going to take your “3rd party, postdated, out-of-state” check. No one. AND…bring your ID.

2) Plan on some type of delay. Either your mortgage company is not going to have the paperwork ready, or the interest rate you were quoted may be incorrect, or perhaps THEIR wire (your loan amount) has yet to be received by the closing (title) company. It may seem shocking that the people who practically beg for your business are so disorganized. But they usually are. Perhaps this would be a good time to resume sticking  needles in a voodoo doll that resembles the seller. Kidding…do that on your own time.

3) Ask the seller if anyone has another set of keys to your condo. Any other sets floating around? And does the management company (if applicable) have a set? They should.

4) Make sure you get a key to the mailbox, should you have an interior unit without a mail slot carved into your front door. Often overlooked.

5) While waiting for someone to do something that they previously forgot to do, why not take the time to call the gas and electric company that you will need to use. Usually can be done over the phone.

6) Now might also be a good time to gather info: How do I get my name programmed into the front intercom of the building (if applicable), what is the Mgmt. company’s contact number, and who is the contact? How will I receive my monthly condo dues bill?

7) What should you do with all the paperwork given to you on your day of settlement?
KEEP THEM HANDY. Do not lose. You will need to refer to this paperwork again, I guarantee you. Especially at tax time.

8)  If you realtor did a good job for you, then brag about them to your friends and family in the future. See that others you care about, get the same good treatment. If your realtor was as valuable as say a bag of nails, then you will know who not to call in the future. If I was your realtor, and I could easily be compared to a bag of nails, then perhaps a good swift “thump” up the side of my head would be appropriate.

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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June 12, 2008

National Geographic Recognizes Philadelphia as The Next Great City

Filed under: Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 12:11 pm

My FAVORITE city: Philadelphia!  This is where I live, eat, sleep, work, and play.  I love this City!  And it looks like we are finally getting the recognition we deserve from folks all around.  Even National Geographic has published an article called Next Great City: Philly, Really.  Here is a brief excerpt for the article:

"For years, I’ve been hearing great things about this city of 1.4 million on the Delaware and Schuylkill Rivers. Newspaper articles speak of innovative development projects. Friends return from visits amazed that the nightlife is actually lively. "It’s no longer D.C. on a bad hair day," as one jokes.

Philadelphia, I discover, comprises 152 distinct neighborhoods, ranging from working-class South Philly to yuppified Manayunk to ivied University City to up-and-coming Northern Liberties and Fishtown. But it is the Center City, the heart of downtown, that’s energizing the rebirth. Trendy restaurants and condominiums abound. A soon-to-be-completed Cesar Pelli skyscraper, the Cira Centre, just across the Schuylkill River, forms a daring twist in the cityscape. The striking Kimmel Center, with its digital-age design, is the new home of the Philadelphia Orchestra."

Click here to continue reading the article.  Then leave me a comment or drop me an email at and let me know what you think….Is Philadelphia the next great City?

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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June 10, 2008

What Do You Think About A Virtual Doorman (TM of Virtual Service) for Your Center City Condo?

Filed under: Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 3:28 pm

Virtual Doorman (TM of Virtual Service) is the 21st century equivalent of the standard doorman. The system integrates all the responsibilites of a standard doorman into one, state-of-the-art system. The technology provides access control systems to regulate who can come in and out of your Center City Condo, video security so building activities can be monitored, fire and burlgar alarm monitoring so emergencies can be reported immediately, and interactive video monitoring. Residents and other individuals wishing to enter the building do so by using a card reader at any of the access doors. This interface is intuitive to anyone who as used an ATM. A neat feature about this is that individual doors can be set with different access privileges and cards can be allowed into the building dooring specified time intervals. This is great if, for example, a cleaning crew should only be allowed through the back door from 1pm to 3pm on a given day.

Video monitoring is accomplished through the use of reliable, high-resolution cameras. Integrating mini, aesthetically placed indoor cameras and durable, all-weather outdoor cameras provides full building video monitoring. All captured video can easily be recorded on to a DVD in the event of a crime or other emergency. The intercom system allows a visitor to connect with a tenant from the supplied list of tenants. If, for any reason, the tenant is not home or unavailable, the visitor may interact with the Virtual Doorman (TM of Virtual Service) system. Once the tenant allows the visitor into the building via a button on their intercom in their room, they are able to follow the visitors progress to the room using the in-building cameras. The cameras are integrated into the intercom system.

This service can be used in place of the traditional doorman service to eleiminate the operating cost of a 24-hour doorman, which could in turn lower your condo fees, while providing equivalent, or in many areas, improved levels or service and reliability.  Leave a comment or drop me an email at and let me know your thoughts on this groovy new technology!

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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June 5, 2008

Is Philadelphia Ripe for a Condotel?

Filed under: Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 3:51 pm

A condotel can be defined as a condominium building that looks and acts like a hotel. A hotel generally has one owner, as where a condotel is going to have as many different owners as there are units. Condo hotels are sold as second, third  homes, but they are not typically sold as primary residences. In fact, many of them limit the unit owner’s usage of the unit because that unit is expected to be included in the hotel’s inventory of rentable units. As the owner of a condo hotel unit, you may place your unit into the hotel’s rental program where it will be maintained and rented out for you, just like any other room in the hotel. As owner, you receive a share of the revenue that the rental of your room generates. So it is kinda’ like being a mini hotel owner. You own just one unit, instead of a giant hotel. While there are many advantages (income from renting your unit out), there may be a heavy maintenance fee which can take a serious bite out of the potential for helping pay your mortgage.

Is Center City Philadelphia ripe for such a project? With the continued growth in popularity of Philadelphia as a tourist destination, and the demand for upscale hotel rooms seemingly strong, I would suggest that such an offering might go over fairly well here in our fair town. It is indeed an option for those looking to invest their money somewhere, as uncertainty in the stock market does give some investors pause. This idea might be great for someone looking to diversify their holdings, who might want have say a son or daughter here in school, whom they might want to visit on occasion. We certainly have a large number of teaching hospitals and higher education opportunities in town.

I get a lot of traffic on my site from potential buyers looking for a few day stay in town, every blue moon. Be it for visiting friends and family, or to reestablish roots where they once lived, or just as an “every now and then” place to visit, I think Center City Philadelphia would be an excellent location for a condominium-hotel-aka-“Condotel”.

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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June 3, 2008

If You Only Have an Extra $100 in Your Wallet to Prepare Your Philadelphia Condo for the Market……

Filed under: Of Interest To Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 3:51 pm

Here is how I would hope you would spend it:
1) $5 for a big bottle of windex and a roll of paper towels
           Clean your windows. Let the sun shine in. Believe me when I tell you that your perspective buyers will notice!
2) $25 for new bathroom and kitchen caulk and misc. tools
           If you really want someone to run screaming from your home…show them the mold that is growing between your tub and the tiled wall in your bathroom
3) $20 for more cleaning supplies
           Dust your baseboards, clean caked on fingerprints off light switches, and use a cleaning product with bleach for your bathtub, shower floor, and sinks
4) $10 for replacing burnt out lightbulbs.
           Don’t limit yourself to the inside of your Philadelphia condominium. Exterior and hallway lighting is important as well, in order to give a bright clean appearance
5) $40 for Paint and Painting Supplies
           Touch up your front door, door jambs, stairway wall nicks and dings, and fill those holes where needed. A little goes a long way here…..
Again, touch up the glaring defects, or shortcomings that are going to have a tendency to cast a bad shadow over your home. More important than staging, or a new bathroom… cleanliness. Don’t underestimate the power of a clean, and touched up piece of Philadelphia real estate. It can do wonders for your condominiums image!
Not interested in buying someone else’s dirt? Prudential Fox and Roach’s premier Philadelphia condominium specialist can help. Call Mark at 215.521.1523 or email him at…he can help you clean up your act!

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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530 Walnut Street, Suite 480
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Direct: 215.521.1523 ~ Office: 215.627.6005
Fax: 215.627.3142
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