June 2, 2014
When enthusiasm drips from a buyers mouth-
Every “Ohh” is worth $5,000
and every “Ahh” is worth $10,000
Location is always going to be a determining factor in price as well as long term value retention. But there are mitigating factors in the Center City condo market that are going to dilute the power of a strong location in driving prices over the long haul. That major factor would be interior condition and the visual impact of any given Center City condo. Here are a few factors that may help the power of a condo’s condition to play a huge role in determining value:
Disbursement Of Wealth- Twenty years ago, if you had $1,000,000 you bought on Rittenhouse Square-period. Today, we will find that every neighborhood has broken the $1M barrier. And it is getting much easier for buyers to find high end condo product in some locations that might have been unfathomable even five years ago.
First Time Buyers and Empty Nesters- Clearly the dominate driving forces in the Center City condo buying segment. AND what do they both have in common? They both want a strong interior condition as neither seem to favor the condos that need work. Trying to get either to buy a fixer upper is an uphill battle (generally speaking).
Everything is out the window when buyers fall in love- You would pretty much have to be new to this planet to not know that concept. I have found that most buyers buy with their eyes. More often than not, buyers will forego the strength of the location in order to buy the condos that really strike a visual chord.
In no way should this argument be a vote for a weaker location than perhaps what you have in mind. However over the long haul, you might be surprised to find just how important condition is to the overall value retention of your condominium here in Center City. Ugly is an 800 pound albatross that can and will drive down your value like no other condominium attribute- And it may not matter if you are sitting in the perfect location. To underestimate the value of strong interior and visual appeal would be to underestimate the overall value of any given
Center City condominium.
Tags: Center City condo, condos in Philadelphia, Philadelphia condos
May 5, 2014
I get asked a lot of questions about Center City condos. Tons actually.
I have no problem with questions. In fact I love questions-gives me the opportunity to be a big brain know-it-all. When I was a kid, my father called me a ham. I don’t think he was too far off. Whatever….here are some commonly asked questions asked by buyers and sellers and the most direct answers I can come up with- My answers are in RED –
1) What will my future taxes be?
I dunno’ – I can’t see into the future.
2) Should I get a Lawyer?
Sure- IF you get a real estate lawyer 🙂
3) Should I have an inspection?
Yes- Please please do.
4) What will this condo be worth in 10 years?
Crystal ball broken- check back later.
5) Do I have to attend settlement?
Usually not. But a buyer who is getting a mortgage may have to attend.
6) Can I move in (either myself or my stuff) prior to settlement?
Uh, no.
7) What are condo docs?
See the answer to question # 2 above.
9) Do I have to pay condo fees?
Yes. All condos have fees. All.
Tags: Center City condo, condos in Philadelphia, philly realtor
April 8, 2014
I hear a lot of talk about the up’s and down’s of today’s Center City condo market. And what most Realtors are witnessing is multiple offers, properties selling at or above asking price and a decreased “days on market” statistic.
For the majority of the Center City condo market, there are more buyers than available inventory and the shift in that relationship will give rise to actions that we see more of today than we would have even six months ago- such as multiple offer bidding. I just encountered three offers on the same condo in one day and that condo had sat idle for almost two months.
Also becoming common are full asking price offers or even over asking price offers. I think it makes sense (many buyers see the time as being right to snag a condo out of the clutches of others and are therefore willing to put their best foot forward). I am now telling my buyers that IF they see a condo they want- do not hesitate to go in quick and strong.
Because nothing is more painful than a bidding war. Good for sellers, not so much for buyers.
Lastly, Realtors I speak with also confirm that they are seeing a decrease in the “days on market” calculations. Many Center City condos are selling within days, even hours after being listed for sale. I know of one unit at the Philadelphian that was listed in the MLS in the AM, and under agreement about 4 hours later. Not common, but certainly not unheard of.
Tags: Center City condo, condos in Philadelphia, philadelphia
March 31, 2014
You don’t get if you don’t ask….but there are times when I have to say NO to a buyer’s request. I just can’t….Sorry

1) Getting condo docs in advance of your offer- Condo docs are ordered by the seller and can cost up to $300. No seller orders prior to a sale in my experience.
2) Make an offer on two Center City condos simultaneously- Sorry, but you have to make up your mind. You need to approach an offer in good faith…and like dating, you really can only do so one at a time. You may want to two time…but you really can’t.
3) Move In Prior To Settlement- Perhaps if you rub a lamp, this wish could come true. It ain’t going to happen. You can move in when you own the condo. Period.
4) Expect the Owner to Leave The Condo Spic & Span- Yeah….that ain’t going to happen. The contract calls for “Broom Swept Clean” condition.
5) Expecting there not to be nail holes in walls where pictures once hung- Pictures do not magically float or levitate onto walls. They are put there via nails and screws. Expect that holes to remain once the pictures are gone. Shocking, right?
Tags: Center City condo, condos in Philadelphia, real estate philadelphia condos
March 17, 2014
Take location and amenities out of the valuation
equation and you are pretty much left with reputation
Reputation is the elusive building quality that can garner some high end sale prices for certain buildings in Center City. Every building has a reputation which is built on a plethora of factors- some of which may not be visible to the naked eye. Factors such as: location, curb appeal, overall quality of fit & finish, upkeep and maintenance, and amenities/services that are offered. Some of the more subtle qualities of a good building reputation might be clues to the building’s finances, the size and composition of the condo units, monthly dues, friendliness of staff and management responsiveness.
The one factor that I notice buyers pay attention to is the friendliness of the staff. This is BEYOND HUGE. And such a simple factor that can easily be affected. If your doorman is anything but courteous and helpful- my buyers are going to pick that up pretty quickly and it will sour their impression of your building. York Square in Old City used to have a really pissy front desk staff and a fair number of my clients would comment on that attribute. And the comments from my buyers weren’t nice. First impressions are huge…we all know that.
The reality is that you cannot single out location as being the only driving force of value in a Center City Condo. Just look around town and try to compare building’s based on location alone- then try to determine the buildings value based solely on location. You would pretty much have to be a goof….you follow me? Building reputation and the attributes associated with reputation can indeed dictate value and really be a driving force of those values.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condos in Philadelphia
February 10, 2014
…and floor height isn’t the only factor affecting values within the same buildings.
Probably the most overlooked effect on value to high rise condominium is the view that any particular piece of Philadelphia Real Estate has to offer. And not all views are created equal. Let compare and contrast a few different scenarios. All are based on my opinion, as a fairly seasoned Realtor who specializes in condo sales I have learned a great deal about the effect on value that particular views may or may not have, and any given buyer’s perception of how that view might affect their desire to purchase.

1) It is possible for a posh condo to nearly double in value if it has a highly coveted view. Think Central Park.
2) In some buildings, the highest values have been posted not only on the highest floors, but also on what we call “treetop” view. A very nice view of the treetops, say on the 5Th floor of a high rise condo can be very appealing to a number of buyers
3) A condo on a high Floor does not always warrant a higher sales price. IS there a benefit to looking directly into a neighboring high rise condo building- from the 27Th vs the 8Th floor?
4) I personally have found few buyers to discriminate between an East vs West view. However, a number of condo values are greatly affected by a North Vs South view.
5) Not all views from the 16Th floor of various buildings are the same. Think about ceiling height, and windows that run floor to ceiling. The building itself can manipulate either the view, or the feeling that the view offers, and this in turn will affect resale value and overall appeal.
At times, the need for a good view can be bypassed if a condominium has great light. There are many Rittenhouse Square condos that offer tremendous natural light, be it north or south, east or west, that don’t necessarily have great visuals. I find a lot of buyers will fore-go a great view if the natural light is strong. Conversely, I find that a great view will not overcome the weakness of a dark condominium. I would suggest that natural light is a stronger motivator than a great view- at least in terms of resale ability.
So know that it has been my experience that view does indeed affect resale price and the time it may take to sell any given Philadelphia condominium. Though direct “park views” are the most desirable, there are compensating factors, and issues that can compensate for a lovely tree lined view of say, Washington Square. One needs to consider the window size, ceiling height, amount of natural light, and of course floor height. All factors should be considered when determining the resale ability of any given Philadelphia condo.
Mark Wade
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Fox and Roach Realtors
530 Walnut St. #260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: Center City condo, condominiums, condos in Philadelphia, condos philadelphia
January 13, 2014
Some Philly Condos Appreciate and some Depreciate Like people in a swimming pool, some float, and some sink. The question is why.
Obvious factors are the showing ability and emotional impact that a particular condo unit does or does not possess: cleanliness, natural light, wall color, furniture, even the smell of a condo can add or subtract from the emotional beauty, and leads to a huge impact on a condos value. In my twenty years of selling real estate, I have never had a buyer tell me to find him the dirtiest, or the worst decorated condo available. Easily, as much a ten percent difference in value depending upon showing ability. And of course interior condition can also have a major impact on value. Beige bathtubs and appliances can crimp value fairly quickly in a lot of cases.
In addition, the physical characteristics of any given unit can help or hurt the units value (think- huge closets, a tax abatement, high ceilings,etc). Styles, like appliances and carpeting have a tendency to age, and that is usually accompanied by a slower rate of appreciation. Clearly, more recently rehabbed, say, Rittenhouse Square condos are going to retain their value better than a unit in a state of disrepair or decline in its finishes. Also prohibitive condominium association rules and policies can deter many buyers from specific buildings. A host of factors can cause units to sit on the market longer than normal, and almost always guaranteeing a lessened resale value.
Location is also a huge factor to the rate of either appreciation or depreciation. Stronger locations in town have a tendency to be a bit more elastic- they are the first neighborhoods to see a drop in inventory with any influx of buyers to the market. That’s a good thing. Recall the principles of supply and demand. I would argue that a strong location is going to depreciate less -because IF in a weakened marketplace, the first condos to remain unsold are in the weaker locations. (The flip side is that you might be able to strike a significantly improved deal, should you be looking away from an “A” location.)
I am just brushing the surface here, but know that not all Center City condos in town will appreciate or depreciate at the same rate. Or sell within the same given time frame. The best tools you have to insure your value remains intact is twofold:
1) Buy it at the right price in the first place and/or
2) Keep your unit looking like it just jumped off the pages of Town and Country Magazine.
Easier said than done, I am aware!
Mark Wade
Berkshire Hathaway Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: Center City condo, condos in Philadelphia, Philadelphia condos
January 6, 2014
I have been selling real estate in exclusively in downtown Philadelphia for twenty-five years. I have done some stupid things in my career, and I have witnessed many buyers and sellers making equally stupid moves. I often see buyers and sellers either pinching a dime for a dollar, or just doing some absurd moves that are much more trouble than the expected payoff. And I am sure this is not limited to just Center City buyers…I have no doubt the scenarios play out in every real estate community:

Scenario 1: Having the Last Word
Seller asks $499k for a condo
Buyer and Seller go back and forth, and after a few days, buyer say $480,000 is my “Highest and Best” offer for this parcel. And then seller comes back and says $480,001. Really? You really want to be a douche bag and say that? You are pissing the buyer off, and it will probably cost you much much more in terms of anxiety, anguish, and animosity within the transaction as you are locked into a legally binding contract with this buyer for say the next 60-90 days. Perhaps you should just zip your lip and take the freakin’ $480k instead of having to have the last word. Don’t forget, buyers still have to perform a home inspection.
Scenario 2: Can’t See the Forest For the Trees
Seller asks $499k for a condo
This Philadelphia condo is a bank-owned sty that should be selling for $800k if it weren’t so dirty, missing all the appliances, and listed with Susy Bag O’ Donuts out of Erie, Pa. (it happens…bank foreclosures are often listed by those with no connection to the area). And as a buyer, you get the Big-Brain idea to come in at $400k…because after all, the market is slow, weak, and uncertain. OK….you are an idiot. If you can’t recognize such an overtly strong bargain, and see that the huge upside is the fact that the condo is grossly underpriced at $499k….then maybe you need to do a little more homework on prices and values here in Center City.
Scenario 3: Why Aren’t you Using a Magic Wand?
Sellers asks $499k for a condo
As a buyer, you top out at $480,000 and the seller will still not accept your offer. And recent “comps” suggest the seller is correct as no other unit in the building has sold for under $500k. You then turn to your Realtor and complain that you can’t get the property for $480k. And you are relentless. Even in the face of the facts. But you persist. You dump your Realtor because he or she refuses to wave their magic wand and make this deal happen. You then drive down the road, and see your Realtor Singing and Dancing in the middle of the intersection of Broad and Walnut.
No one likes a whiner. Not even in a “slow, weak, and uncertain” market place. There are bargains to be had and deals to be made. Opportunity exists in all market conditions, and the current state of affairs in Center City- which has weathered the overall real estate storm fairly well- should indeed be taken into account when negotiating the purchase or sale of any parcel in Philadelphia. But knowing when you have crossed the line and driven right into Crazy Town Pa. might be helpful when finding the right piece of Center City real estate. And help you negotiate the best possible, realistic terms.
Mark Wade CenterCityCondos.com
I welcome feedback!
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condominiums, condos in Philadelphia
December 16, 2013
Some of the most sought after condo buildings here in Center City are on or very close to lively blocks that are full of activity, or they are on or near bus routes, and can have a close proximity to highways. This is very convenient but can be noisy!
Having constant noise outside your dining room or bedroom could be a big problem. So, I devised a kinda’ cool solution that works like a gem. And in the scheme of things, really doesn’t have to cost a lot.
Here’s the solution: Replace your windows (genius, eh?)!
Depending on where you live in downtown Philadelphia, you may have a fairly strong historic association who mandates the type of window replacement you must use. However, this does not preclude you from installing another set of windows INSIDE the historical set.

You can add a double paned, inexpensive vinyl clad INSIDE the outer set of historically approved windows, giving you a total of 3 or 4 panes of glass between you and the noise. This ingenious little set-up demonstrates how you can effectively keep all city noise out of your Philadelphia loft or condo.
You don’t need to live 30 feet from the highway or live in a super luxury condo building to benefit from this idea. Such insulation also provides extra protection from cold, heat loss, and dirt that gets inside of other single paned windows! To Keep the Value in, You Must keep the noise out!
If you’re thinking of buying or selling a Center City condominium and want some more tips, I can help. Give me a call today at 215-521-1523 or drop me an email at Mark@CenterCity.com.
Mark Wade
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services | Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: center city condos, condos in Philadelphia, real estate philadelphia condos
December 2, 2013

1) The Touraine (1520 Spruce) and the Drake Tower (1512) Spruce were converted to condos in the late 1980’s but never pieced out as such
2) 1401 Walnut St. (what I call the Banana Republic bldg) was turned into condos a few years back by (I believe done by) K. Hovnanian, but never sold off that way either
3) The Philadelphian at 2401 Pennsylvania Ave. is the largest single condo building in the state of Pennsylvania
4) Low Rise Condos in town are generally self-managed when bldg is comprised of 5 units or less
5) About 99% of Center City Condos include water/sewer in the condo fees. 100% of them include master insurance policy.
Mark Wade
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Fox and Roach Realtors
530 Walnut St. #260 Phila., PA 19106
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condos in Philadelphia
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