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September 23, 2013

Renegotiating After A Home Inspection?

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,For Sellers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 9:03 am
Think you are going to get a $10,000 price reduction after your home inspection?
Everyone should get a home inspection. There is no such thing as perfection and every Philadelphia condo- be it new construction, or a clearly used up old condo- almost every condo that I have come across needs some kind of maintenance or attention.
  But how do you go about protecting yourself without pissing off a seller to a point where he or she no longer wants to deal with you? Well, that can be a thin line….but here is what I suggest:
1) Focus on the big ticket items. Try not to be too nit picky about the small stuff. Sellers can become easily fatigued…so instead of asking for a plethora of small items to be corrected, ask for (say) one or two big issues- If warranted. One that can be backed up by the home inspection. Sellers are sometime less worried about the money and more worried that they may not have the time to fix every little issue- sometimes sellers will negotiate on convenience- as opposed to being consumed by trivial matters.
2) If you have the option of taking a credit, or having the seller repair items- GO FOR THE CREDIT. Because more often than not, you or your contractor may not like the way the seller does the repair. Then we all have a problem….
3) I don’t think it is logical for a buyer to ask for a credit or a repair on items they clearly knew were previously broken. For instance,  if you make an offer on a condo that has a cracked window pane or clearly unused/broken dishwasher – the seller may be less apt to fix it- because you clearly knew of this shortcoming prior to making an offer….and of course you made your offer accordingly, one would assume.
4) Electrical issues are huge….and you can almost always hit a seller up for making such a repair. Electrical issues are scary for most buyers and something most buyers cannot and probably should not fix themselves.
     I usually coach my buyers to think this way: If the amount of the needed repairs impacts your perception of the value of the Center City condo, then you should probably back out of the deal or go at the seller at full force. However, if you are just looking to rake the seller over the coals for the hell of it- that should be done during the time you make your offer. Not at a later date where you are just looking to perhaps get something for (almost) nothing. Just my two cents…
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June 10, 2013

7 Ways To Lower Your Condo Fees

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 9:42 am

….fairly painlessly

Of course all associations could lower their condo fees if they made an effort. Now I wouldn’t go as far as to say that some condo associations piss their money away, but I think a look into some common money saving practices around town is fair game. I’m just saying:

pain face


1) Install 1.6 Gallons Per Flush toilets in entire building. Get rid of all the old 5.5 Gallon Per Flush toilets commonly installed in the 1960’s. And believe me, some Center City condos in town circa 1965 still have many of those hugely wasteful toilets in use today.


2) In buildings with a common HVAC for ALL condo units

provide free window tinting for all units that request. Even a 1%-2% savings is going to mean big money for larger buildings. Apply professionally. Also- add programmable thermostats and teach unit owners how to use. No need to heat a condo unit while owner is away from 8am-6pm!


3) In Brownstone styled buildings- Assign someone to form a committee to have your master-insurance policy reviewed. Then do it again. Get 5 competitive bids, and make sure your deductible is spot-on for your liability policy.


4) In Mid-Rise styled buildings- consider having hallway lights activate with motion. That way, you are not running all lighting to all areas of the building 24/7. And spend the money to replace light bulbs with high efficiency bulbs.


5) In larger Associations- consider forming a garden committee. Why pay for landscaping to be done when you may have 75 volunteers to do the work on the weekends?


6) In smaller Associations- Consider the possible benefit of replacing your doorman with a “Virtual Doorman” – one that electronically monitors the front door to permit guest access and registers the comings and goings of those in and out of the building. A few buildings in town have done so quite effectively.


7) In Brownstone Styled/ Lowrise Associations– consider managing “In-House” – if you have say 10 or fewer units total.


Remember- If your Philadelphia condo association isn’t being run like a business (which in essence, it is) then someone isn’t doing

their job. Capiche?

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April 2, 2013

Guest Post: Why Living in the Center of Philly is Better than Suburban Living

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 11:02 am

Personal circumstances such as your job, family and lifestyle preferences determine whether or not city life is a good fit but for many, the center of Philadelphia is the place to be.  The City of Brotherly Love, a big city with a small town feel, is known for its friendly residents and if you love the vibrant life in cities Philly condos have a lot to offer. Trees and parks offer a refreshing contrast to its museums and shopping centers. Philadelphia is, quite literally, the best of both worlds. Decide for yourself if it’s right for you.


Less Reliance on Automobiles
Philly has a terrific public transportation system. It runs in a timely manner and can get you almost anywhere you want to go in the city or the surrounding areas. Commutes are quick and, if you prefer walking, almost anything is within reach. Shopping, entertainment and a wide variety of restaurants are within reasonable walking distance. In the suburbs, you will likely have to run a car, adding significant expense to your monthly budget and never mind the time spent commuting.

Wide-Ranging Culture
Philadelphia is known for its vibrant art scene. It’s not uncommon to see used forklifts moving sculptures, paintings and other pieces of art into a building. Museums, the zoo, and popular sports teams also bring entertainment to the city. If you’re a shopaholic, you’ll enjoy a large variety of boutiques, larger department stores and small specialty shops.
Even better, Philadelphia is one of America’s oldest cities and is full of historical significance. Its architecture is second to none. You can find a multitude of different cuisines; the city has many ethnic restaurants if you’re up for new experiences. There are diverse neighborhoods and Center City condos with distinct cultural offerings, so you’re never bored and without something to do.
Philadelphia is also home to some prestigious educational institutions, such as the University of Pennsylvania, which add to the vigor and excitement of one of America’s favorite cities. All of this can be right outside your door.

Real Affordability
Compared to living in some cities like New York and Chicago, living in Philadelphia is quite affordable. Rent is cheaper and because public transportation is plentiful, saving on getting to and from work is easy. Cars require maintenance and upkeep; you don’t have to worry about those costs if you live in the city center. Even purchasing a home is more affordable in Philly than it is in comparable cities in the United States.

If you’re looking to move to Philly, don’t just settle on the suburbs. Instead, think about everything the City of Brotherly Love has to offer you and your family.


Michelle is an aspiring writer with a passion for blogging. She enjoys writing about a vast variety of topics and loves that blogging gives her the opportunity to publicly voice her thoughts and share advice with an unlimited audience.

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March 18, 2013

Non Warrantable Condo Financing – Options are Opening up!!

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 11:26 am
In the past 5 years or so, Fannie Mae has come up with rules that have made it nearly impossible to finance
various condos that they believe to be high risk. Though their rules have not changed, we are beginning to see some
lenders venture into the previously uncharted (difficult to finance) waters.
So should you be looking at a condo that Fannie Mae deems to be unwarrantable, here is a lender that may
now be able to help. This is huge- And a huge benefit to those buyers and sellers looking for options.
Here is my top secret source:
Tony Bomis
Residential Mortgage Banker
Susquehanna Bank- Mortgage Division
301 W. Lancaster Avenue
Wayne, PA 19087
Direct Cell (610)389-1590
Efax (610)628-6262


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March 4, 2013

Is a Condo right for you?

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 10:58 am

Condominium; an apartment house, office building, or other multiple-unit complex which is individually owned, with an individual deed and right to sell the individual unit of that building. So many uses of the word “individual” but that’s not exactly the word most people would use to describe a condo. Yes, you have your individual unit, but it is in a shared building with shared amenities, such as pool, gym, and/or tennis court, and shared responsibility to show your neighbors the utmost respect.

Let’s back track for a minute. You stopped at the word “amenities” didn’t you? That’s right, when living in a condo amenities such as these are right in your “backyard”, so to speak. Some Philly condos even go as far as to providing you with town car or private bus service to and from your destinations! Not a bad deal for a small fee.

A fee is described as a charge or payment for professional service. That couldn’t hit the nail harder on the head. Along with all the amenities included in your “condo fee”, which is a monthly payment for access to all that a condo has to offer, you also receive the privilege of professional services such as lawn and exterior maintenance as well as indoor home repairs. There are so many wonderful things a condo has to offer.

Condos provide a sense of a safer environment for people living alone or looking after small children considering the extra eyes that are always around. Living in a condo is like working in an office, you have your own personal and private space, yet you aren’t alone, and you aren’t too far from a neighbor or friend.

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February 25, 2013

Philly Condo Buyers- Who Are They?

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers,Real Estate: Condominiums,State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 11:12 am

Of course I get tons and tons of folks emailing me looking to move into a condo in Center City…no surprise there. But you might be surprised by who is actually buying in town. Here are some common groups of buyers who I see buying condos in Center City.  Certainly others exist, but this is a generalization of what I see:

1) The Returnees – Grew up in Philly, moved elsewhere, and now returning. Being close to friends and family is often the draw.
2) The Empty Nesters- Shedding themselves of 75,000 pounds of unused house. They can often be very happy happy buyers who are starting a new chapter in their lives. I enjoy working with and watching them get excited for a move into town.
3) The Weekend Warriors- They have done the shore, now they spend their weekends in town. Much more common than you think.
4) The Kids Who Have Parents Who Have $$ – Very common. Very.
5) The Transferee- Maybe came to town via a promotion- and wants to be close to work. Moving to town wasn’t on the radar. Doesn’t matter- he or she is here now.
6) The Growing Families- It used to be that young adults would get married , and get a dog, two kids, a station wagon, and BOOM- off to suburbia they went. No longer the case. They now often represent our move up buyers in Center City.
7) The Investors- Who knew that the city is the place to be, and that their investment will provide a handsome return year after year after year. Unless say Univ. of Penn moves to say the moon…a condo may easily be a magnet for a tenant.

8) The First Timers- The good ole reliable first time buyer. The backbone of the Center City condo market- always has been, probably always will be.


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January 29, 2013

Guest Post: Tips That Will Help You Get The Most Of Your Condo Rental

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,For Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 10:54 am

Follow these tips to make your Philadelphia condo truly feel – and look – like home.

1. Chances are, your condo isn’t as huge and spacious as you would like. Luckily, you can easily make your space look and feel larger than it is by keeping clutter away, creatively organizing and strategically placing mirrors around the apartment.

2. Sometimes, life just gets in the way of a lease. Don’t be scared into staying in an condo you no longer want because of the apparent lease penalty. You can smartly break your lease without spending all of your savings. Know your rights and don’t hesitate to negotiate with your landlord.

3. There’s no such thing as the perfect landlord and some are downright awful. That doesn’t mean you should have to deal with a leaky faucet or pest problem by yourself. Try a few different communication techniques until you find one that gets you the response you need.

4. Few condo dwellers are lucky enough to have a washer and dryer in their home. Minimize trips to the laundromat by using a bath sheet instead of a bath towel. This is especially helpful if you often use two towels after a shower – one for your body and one for your hair.

5. Living alone is great, but it’s not the safest option. Amp up your at-home security by keeping it under wraps that you live solo. You don’t have to lie, but don’t advertise that you don’t have a roommate or live-in boyfriend.

6. If July and August is brutal where you live, you’re probably used to holing up inside with the air conditioning on full blast for eight weeks during the summer. This is a huge expense, though. Cut electricity and costs by using the AC’s other settings, like the fan and the timer.

7. Think you smell a rat? Deal with it! Pushing the problem off until you can’t mentally handle the rodent isn’t going to get rid of it and the problem will only get worse.

8. When you can, fix your own run-of-the-mill apartment problems. If you really want your landlord to be there when you need him, don’t bug him if a light bulb blows or the toilet clogs.

9. When you have the heat on, set your ceiling fans so they turn clockwise, which will help warm the house and cut your heating costs.

10. If things go truly wrong between you and your landlord, you can turn to online dispute resolution.

Annabelle Smyth

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December 6, 2012

Guest Post: Three Center City Museums You Should Make Time to Visit

Filed under: Center City Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 2:11 pm

If you live in Center City Philadelphia, then you already know how rich the place is in culture and activities. From parks and theaters to dining and nightlife, Center City Condo residents can always find something fun or enjoyable to do.

Perhaps that’s part of the problem, however. Since you live in the city, you know that you’ll always have a chance to get around to that one place you want to check out. Tourists, on the other hand, have to make the most of the limited time they have. As a result, it’s quite possible that out-of-towners have experienced more of your hometown than you have.

Whether you’re a nightclub waitress or a mechanic specializing in 1987 Mustang parts, everybody needs a little downtime. Make time in your schedule one day to experience some of the amazing places right in your own backyard. Here are three that you shouldn’t miss:

  1. Philadelphia Museum of Art

If the thought of visiting a museum makes you cringe with thoughts of dull education, you need to rethink your idea of the museum experience. Museums are fascinating places to visit with all kinds of interesting artifacts, exhibits and pieces of art. Exhibits tend to change, though, so check the website to see what’s currently on display.

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the country’s largest, so you know you’re in for a treat when you visit. From periodic furniture and clothing to displays of the armor of knights and their horses, there’s something at the museum that will delight everyone.

  1. Rodin Museum

Rodin museum is actually administrated by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, but it definitely has its own wonders to offer. One of the most prized treasures of this museum is the beautiful gardens which have been recently renovated. In the gardens, you’ll find several famous sculptures and statues, including the classic work, The Thinker.

Inside the museum, you’ll enjoy the extensive collection of the works of Rodin. Explore the brass, plaster and marble masterpieces from one of the most notable sculptors in modern history.

  1. The African American Museum in Philadelphia

African Americans have played such a large role in shaping what our country is today. The African American Museum in Philadelphia offers tribute and recognition to the pioneers in some of the nation’s most historical and important movements.

The works in the museum go far beyond civil rights leaders, however. Get a glimpse of noteworthy art, discover a rich culture, and take a look into the lives of famous African American photographers, inventors, educators and others.

Whether you’re looking for something to do on a first day or want to spend a weekend exploring what Central City has to offer, consider adding at least one of these places to your itinerary.

Michelle Rebecca

Byline: Michelle is an aspiring writer with a passion for blogging. She enjoys writing about a vast variety of topics and loves that blogging gives her the opportunity to publicly voice her thoughts and share advice with an unlimited audience.

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November 29, 2012

Getting Around Those Corners: Efficient Condo Moving (Guest Post)

Filed under: For Buyers,For Sellers,Of Interest to Buyers,Of Interest To Sellers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 9:25 am

After making the decision to move out of your condo and into a new home, you have a lot of work ahead of you. Moving into a new home can be a lot of work, but proper planning on your part can help you to ease the amount of time and effort needed to relocate. Consider following these tips as you prepare to move.

Review Your Lease

As a first step, read your lease and take note of how much notice you need to provide to your landlord before you vacate the premises. Also, pay attention to the special move-out rules. For example, some leases may require the property to be professionally cleaned before you turn in the keys.

Consider Cleaning and Repairs

In many cases, a rental agreement states that a landlord can withhold your security deposit for any damages made to the property, so consider patching up holes, replacing burnt out lights, cleaning out the oven and other steps as needed. These efforts can take time, so you may consider getting started on some of them immediately after you provide your landlord with written notice of your intent to vacate.

Start Packing

Some people will wait until the last minute to start packing with the belief that they need everything in their place to live comfortably. In many condos, however, items like photo albums, DVDs, books, seasonal clothing and more can be packed up weeks ahead of time. Consider temporarily renting a storage unit, for example, self storage Philadelphia PA, to keep items safe and out of your way as you prepare to move in the coming weeks.

Look For Movers

One of the best steps that you can take to ease the stress associated with moving is to hire a moving company. A reputable moving company can easily relocate your boxes, furnishings and other items quickly and safely on moving day. This provides you with more time to clean your old home and start settling into your new home.

Transfer Services

Approximately one to two weeks before your moving day, contact your water company, utilities service providers, phone service and cable company to notify them of your plans to relocate. You may be able to cancel service in your existing home and schedule new service in your new home with a single call if moving inside the same city.

Contact the Post Office

You should also contact the post office with details about your relocation. You can fill out a change of address form at the post office that includes a mail forwarding service. While you want to call your car loan company, credit card companies and others who send you regular statements and provide them with your new address, you also want to ensure that mail that is sent to the wrong address is forwarded to your new home.

Because there are so many things to do to prepare for a move, it is wise to establish a schedule of to-do items now. You can work through the items on schedule, and this can drastically reduce your stress level during this busy time in your life.

Melisa Cammack

Author Bio

Melisa Cammack has been freelance writing for several years, she loves spending time with her three sons and her husband, as well as preparing for their unborn baby to arrive in mid-March.
Melisa is currently promoting Extra Space Storage – Brighton location, and wishes everyone a safe and efficient moving day.

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September 14, 2012

Condo Talk Around Town….

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 1:54 pm

The Packard Grand Condos at 111 S. 15th St: Condo Assoc recently acquired the top floor of the building from the developer. It is a 3,300SF space (on the 27th floor) with fitness center, large west-facing outdoor deck, party room, meeting room, and large capacity laundry machines. This was a great move by the condo board for a building that had lacked amenities. The new fitness center is now open and the rest of the amenity floor will open by September.

Center City One  at 1326 Spruce St.: Responds well to its broken water meter. The association took quick action and repaired and replaced everything with swift action.

Toll Brothers: Approx 160 new units right on 24th street! Expect delivery late July 2013. Based upon the success at Naval Square- look for these units to sell at a pretty good clip. 8 out of 22 sold in Phase One and ground hasn’t even been broken. Stay tuned for more details…

WaterFront Square: A trail runs through it- The Penn Street Trail – a section of the Central Delaware waterfront trail that will connect Spring Garden Street with SugarHouse Casino’s portion of the trail – is expected to open next spring.

Murano: 2101 Market St.- Sale prices doing exceedingly well post auction. They just re-listed all high floor units with Pru Fox Roach. Look for the remaining units to sell fairly quickly!

Penns Landing Square at 130 Spruce St: Spending money to better manage water run-off and to be more efficient at being able to segment water shut-offs in order to better serve homeowners. Touche!

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach Realtors
530 Walnut St. #260 Phila., PA 19106

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