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September 17, 2007

You Gotta’ Have a Bathtub If You Have More Than One Bathroom

Filed under: Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 9:57 am

As someone who sells Philadelphia real estate, I’m often asked how to best incorporate bathroom fixtures into a Center City condominium or loft styled home that will please “the masses.” This question is often asked by developers and those fixing up their own Philadelphia condos for resale.

My best advice is…
If you have a small condo or loft, with just one bathroom, the best use of your bathroom space is probably one large shower stall.

If you have more than one bathroom, I strongly encourage you to install one shower stall and one bathtub.

I’ve seen more than one new construction condominium project here in Center City Philadelphia where a builder goes to sell his Center City condos, and has really misread the Philadelphia real estate landscape. He’s built, say, a Rittenhouse Square two bed condominium and proceeds to install two bathtubs. Or conversely, builds two bathrooms, and does no bathtub. Bad…very bad!

Think of it this way: Most people take showers MOST of the time. Therefore, a builder should spend most of his area in the master bathroom for a large walk-in shower stall. I do NOT see the advantage to trying to fit in a tub AND a small shower in the master bedroom. Put the tub in the guest bath where it belongs!

With multiple bathrooms, a tub is always in order for two reasons:

  1. Some folks do enjoy a soak
  2. Some folks have kids, who need a tub

Oh, and those GIANT six person bubble jet tubs from the early 1980’s?  You gotta’ be kidding me?! Don’t even think about it.

There is no better way to ruin the value as well as the space of your Philadelphia condominium, be it in the Society Hill or Rittenhouse Square area, than to take up valuable bathroom space with one of those big stupid tubs that no one uses past their inaugural soak. It will get used once, and probably never after that….so don’t even think of it!

I would love to hear your feedback on this post….

Are you a soaker? Do you have a large tub hogging space in your bathroom? Would you want one, if space in your condominium or loft were limited?  Just post a comment and let me know if you think I’m all wet!

Whether you’re looking for a 1 or 2 bathroom Center City Philadelphia condominium, I can help you find the shower, tub or both that fit you best.  Give me a call today at 215-521-1523 or drop me an email at

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19106

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  1. […] Mark Wade wrote a fantastic post today on “You Gottaâ

    Pingback by » You Gotta’ Have a Bathtub If You Have More Than One Bathroom — October 6, 2007 @ 5:28 pm

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Direct: 215.521.1523 ~ Office: 215.627.6005
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