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Center City Philadelphia
Condos and Lofts


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March 2025

December 4, 2007

Philadelphia Real Estate – The Best Cocktail Party Topic Ever!

Filed under: Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 10:09 am

Consider this blog entry my gift to those who might find themselves at a loss for words at any given cocktail party. Just a few tips on what YOU can do to spark a conversation with that person across the room that you have been making eyes at all evening long, but are afraid to approach. Ask where they are from, mention something about Philadelphia real estate, then go off on one of the following easy to remember tangents:

1) I hear real estate in Philadelphia is still sailing along quite well. Though other cities might be experiencing the backlash from the sub-prime mortgage market, and a high foreclosure rate, from what I read, Center City lofts and condos seems to be holding their own.

2) Did you hear about the new Liberty Two condominiums they are building in Center City? I saw them online the other day at, and could you imagine living on the 58th floor overlooking downtown? The views are just fabulous….

3) Have you ever thought of moving into a Center City loft or condo in one of the new loft buildings around Rittenhouse Square? I hear that the demand is remaining fairly strong, even through what some might perceive to be a national housing crisis!?

4) Waterfront condos seem to be taking off in Center City. I saw a few of the recent buildings, including Waterfront Square condos, and The Dockside condominiums, and they  look really appealing. I was surprised at how tempting living in Center City might be…..

5) I understand the Symphony House has really brightened up Broad St. It looks like the area is really coming alive with all the cultural activities, and the area around Broad and Pine Streets seems to be very attractive.

Now certainly these are just a few of the hundreds of topics you could bring up in order to insure a receptive audience at your next cocktail party. Learning a bit about Philadelphia real estate, and say, Center City lofts, and Center City condominiums may be helpful prior to your bringing up such topics, but know that Philadelphia real estate is a topic that a lot of folks like to discuss, and enjoy hearing. So the next time you are standing in a corner by yourself, be prepared to bring up a topic on Philadelphia lofts, or say Rittenhouse Square condos. You just might be surprised at the ears you can bend with a little preparedness on your part!

Buying and Selling Philadelphia condominiums has never been easier with one of s Mark’s websites, like Look, or listen (to his Philadelphia real estate podcasts) and you too might just find yourself the person party goers listen to at your next gathering!

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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