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March 2025

January 15, 2008

Attention: Philadelphia condominium buyers- Talk to me… I can’t read your mind

Filed under: Of Interest to Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 9:59 am

I have been working with buyers in the Philadelphia condo market for some time now.  Since 1989 I have been shuttling around buyers in my car, on foot, and a few times, via bikes. I enjoy myself, and really like selling real estate. Call me nuts. I don’t care, but I do enjoy it.

But what I really don’t like are buyers who won’t give me any guidance or feedback. What Am I, a mind reader? I need you to talk to me. Tell me that you hate that condo on Lombard Street, or tell me you love that loft at 3rd and Arch streets. Just talk to me. Tell me why. I don’t own that condo, and I am not going to get offended by your dislike of dirty orange shag carpeting.  

Every buyer has a rank of priorities when they look at Philadelphia condos. Some value location, some condition, some value ceiling height and natural light above all else, and some Rittenhouse Square condo buyers value the prestige a certain building may or may not exude. I don’t care what your particular  priorities are, or how you value them….I just care that you adequately verbalize these wants and needs to me, so I can incorporate them into our next tour.  Otherwise, I am going to continue to show you a bunch of stuff you are not interested in seeing. God knows there is enough inventory on the Philadelphia condominium market to keep both of us looking until the year 2012, especially with the Changing Skyline that Inga Saffron, the Architecture critic for the Philadelphia Inquirer has been writing about. If you don’t have help me rule out some of the flats and lofts you are NOT interested in seeing, we are just going to spin our wheels.

My favorite buyers are the ones with opinions. Realistic opinions. Penthouse condos in prestigious buildings don’t sell for $139,000, nor can I get you EVERYTHING on your wish list. But I can hit a pretty high percentage of your wants and needs, if you just speak up and tell me why you liked the condo at 2nd and Spruce Street, or why you think you need three bedrooms, instead of two bedrooms and a den. Communication is the key, so don’t be shy!  Again, I don’t own these condos,  I just show these condos, so when you are ready to start talkin’ to me, give me a call at 215.521.1523 or drop me an email at  I am on your side!

Mark Wade 
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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Philadelphia, PA 19106
Direct: 215.521.1523 ~ Office: 215.627.6005
Fax: 215.627.3142
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