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March 2025

November 29, 2007

Does That Condominium Really Include Parking, Mr. Realtor, Or Are You Just Misleading Us?

Filed under: Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 1:24 pm

It really gets my goat when I go looking through the MLS, and let’s say I am looking for at Philadelphia condominiums, on behalf of a buyer. And this buyer must have parking with his pad- not an unusual request. So I put my criteria into the MLS, and viola – 97 listings appear.  But upon further examination, it becomes evident that only 17 really have a parking space that accompanies that particular Center City condo.

HOW COULD SUCH AN ERROR IN REPORTING OCCUR?  Realtors. And allow me to be a bit “finger-pointy” and say greedy realtors. Realtors who are trying to bait me or my buyer into seeing their Center City listing, by being tricky by saying that the seller will pay for “one year paid parking” at the lot around the corner. That’s not parking. That’s a rental spot, with no guarantee of longevity, or priority. Let’s all be on the same page here- it’s called cheating. Cheating a system that was installed to provide correct information. And a loophole.  I think it is misleading for a realtor, trying to get their listing to appear more desirable to stretch the truth by “checking the box” when asked, “Does this unit include parking”.  Shame on all of you Philadelphia realtors who would rather stretch the truth than play by the rules. You give us all a bad name. One bad apple…..

I have no problem explaining to my buyers to take the fact sheets realtors put out, with a grain of sand. Even the information in the MLS would better be suited to be verified, than believed, in some instances.

Looking for more for solid information, and not loopholes? Give me a call ar 215-521-1523 or send me an email at and let’s chat!

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106




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530 Walnut Street, Suite 480
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Direct: 215.521.1523 ~ Office: 215.627.6005
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