August 26, 2013
Mick Jagger once said “It’s alright letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back”. I like that…and think the phrase is apt when considering a condo purchase. I bought in a building that was perceived to have a hint of risk (in terms of value retention)-
but I snagged the condo at such a great price, I know that if I ever want to move to the moon– I can sell my condo without losing money.
But you do have to be wary of the units I call the “HOTEL CALIFORNIA” condos- meaning you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave- because you simply can resell the damned thing.
Here are 5 things to consider when determining the risk of a condo purchase:
1) The Cost of the Condo- If you buy a Center City condo at half the price similar condos are selling for- then most of the risk is removed. It gets back to one issue- NOT OVERPAYING.
2) Owner Occupancy Ratios can be an issue in SOME buildings- as a lack of Fannie Mae Warrant-ability can be a sign of a risky condo purchase. BUT by no means is this the only factor- it may just be a factor in assessing the risk.
3) Reputation and Resale History- There are buildings in town where NO CONDO has resold for 5 years. Not as rare as you might think. If no one else is buying in the building- you need to start asking me questions as to why.
4) Deferred Maintenance– I can name two buildings off the top of my head that need HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars of repair, upkeep and maintenance work just to put them on par with their competition. I generally would avoid, unless of course you can just steal the condo outright (at a killer price). Otherwise, future assessments may wreak havoc on your investment dollars in that Philadelphia condo.
5) Buying within the Price Frames of the building- Buying a $2M condo in a building where the average price is $250,000 and is overwhelmingly populated with say studios may not be in your best financial interest, and may be a risky purchase.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condominiums philadelphia real estate, real estate philadelphia condos
August 19, 2013
Between 1995 and 2005, my brother and I flipped over WELL over 100 condos in town
Here are a few secrets that I discovered:

1) You can screw up any decision, but the one thing you can’t do is overpay at the start. If you do, then the whole venture is doomed. You have to let value be a top guiding priority.
2) Don’t Get over your head.
Cosmetic flips are much much much easier than those needing a full scale rehab. BUY UGLY!
3) Make sure the Philadelphia condo is in a building that is solid, and is fanne mae warrantable. If you cant sell it on the back end, then your efforts will be for naught.
4) I cant stress ENOUGH about the importance of visual appeal. You MUST make your finished product stand out in terms of emotional impact. Finishes purely off the shelf from Home Depot aren’t going to cut it. Hire an interior decorator to decide paint colors, finishes, and even the how the unit will be staged- Please!
Tags: Center City Real Estate, condos in Philadelphia, Philadelphia condo
August 12, 2013
OK…here is how 2013 will be remembered: Buyers got their mo-jo back

I have recently seen many more multiple offers and buyer competing with each other, a shortened “DOM” (days on market), sales over asking price and clear inventory reduction throughout the entire Center City condo market.
The next logical step is an across the board price increase. We are already seeing some segments of the market experience sizable gains in the first half of 2013- And now I think the rest of the market is catching up….expect to see those gains really show their face in the spring 2014 market.
From a Realtor’s perspective- the upside is that more comparable sales are now in the MLS- and many within segments where no prior relevant comparables existed (recent ones anyway).
This is going to be huge for further price escalations as Appraisers now have something concrete to base their values upon.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, philadelphia
August 5, 2013
Philly condominiums offer a wide variety of parking options. From on-site rental, to deeded parking, many Center City condo buildings do offer an array of possibilities.
Rental parking- Most buyers will tell me that AS LONG AS there is guaranteed rental parking on the block, then this option is an acceptable substitute for actually owning a Philadelphia parking spot. I like the flexibility here, and such an approach will GREATLY add to the number of options you have when we are searching for your new condo.
Deeded Parking- If available, this arrangement has you purchasing a physical piece on property in which you have the rights to park. Means you have a separate tax bill as well. Usually you may buy or sell this parking spot with or without an accompanying condominium unit.
Assigned Parking: You pay for this too, but you do not get a deed. You are basically granted the rights to the use and enjoyment of a parking parking spot, usually located on-site. You may not separate this parking spot from your condominium unit, and such assignment is recorded somewhere in either the condo docs, or your deed.
Street Parking- For approx. $35 a year, you can purchase a Street Parking Sticker, and then be able to NOT have to feed parking meters, or move your car every two hours for the AREA in which your parking sticker is valid. IF you get one for the Old city area, because you live in Old City, this will not give the ability to park for free around Rittenhouse Square. I guarantee you that.
Parking does play a role in the value and desirability differently in almost every condo buying situation here in Center City.
Call me at 215.521.1523 or drop me an email at Mark@CenterCity.com, and let’s discuss how parking may affect you!
Tags: Center City condo, condominiums, philadelphia
July 29, 2013
Don’t believe everything you read, or every comparable you see. NOT all condo space is created equal, and not all two bedrooms in the same building are of the same value. Duh. There are soooo many factors that infuence value-

Here are some Tips:
1) Ask to see EVERY sale in the building in the past 2 years. Ask for the public records and MLS records.
2) Find a map of the building, and see which units face “The Park”, and which overlook the DUMPSTERS – Positioning within a Center City condo building plays a role in value!
3) Inquire as to seller concessions that may have result in a higher recorded sales price for comps in newer buildings. And ask “did that unit include any extras like free parking?” Cuz if it did, it is going to distort the comps.
4) Floor height value- may or may not play a part in comps/ comp value. Newer Philadelphia condos are GREATLY based upon floor height.
5) Know that ALL pictures in the MLS look good- they don’t show dirt, clutter, or a poor showing ability (generally speaking).
And know that “Fact Sheets” and MLS sheets are like Resumes- full of bullsh** and dog doo. Never take that info for granted- you must confirm!
6) AND THE BIGGEST factor to warp comps- Interior condition. Hugely huge in comp valuation.
Here is a good example of “Not All Space Being Created Equally”…
Equally sized two bed units at the Plaza can vary in price from $400k- $700k. Condition, and view have huge impacts on value and pricing.
So clearly comps can be deceiving – if you don’t know…ask me. Please.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, Philadelphia condominiums
July 22, 2013
Brownstone styled condos are an option in Center City that I find are becoming more popular for many condo shoppers. Known for their low condo fees, and some really groovy features, low rise condos have shown to have good resale over time, and often show up in some of the strongest residential locations in Center City.
The condo associations tend to almost always favor pets, rules can be a bit more lax than a high rise, and many units have either decks, parking, fireplaces, or say an abundance of original detailing. Here are some of my favorite low rise/ Brownstone condo buildings in town- Due to either curb appeal, unit layout, value retention, or just an overwhlemingly serene locale:
1) Roberts Quay: 1035 Spruce – 18 units, a huge variety of layouts, and probably the most handsome building in 19107. Sits on the NE corner of 11th and Spruce. (see above and you can see what I mean).
2) 2100 Delancey: Again, huge curb appeal, an array of unit sizes and wrought with original detail. Many units have fireplaces, ornate windows, and of course a great location.
3) 251 S. 24th St: A very rare loft styled new condo building in Fitler Square that few have heard of/know of/have seen. Garage parking, huge windows, and sits in a quiet pocket of Fitler Square. High end contemporary finishes throughout each unit.
4) The Clinton: Now here is a stunning building. Sits on the corner of 11th and Clinton St- serene as they come. Some units have parking, and many units have south facing windows- many completely shielded by huge trees. Modest condo fees and attractive pricing. 1023 Clinton St.
5) St. James Court: Hidden between 5th/6th Street, Locust and Walnut sits this enclave of “uppers and lowers”. Rental parking next door at Indep Place. Great space, quiet location, handsome exteriors, outside space for every unit, and two story living rooms. A great track record of resales / value retention over the past dozen years.
Tags: Center City condo, condos in Philadelphia, Philadelphia condominiums, Saint James Court, Saint James Place
July 15, 2013
You can check out anytime you like… but can you ever leave (sell) that condo ?
What is the Achilles heel to resale and value? Key fatal flaws in a condo may prove difficult to resell a condo.

I asked around the Real Estate Community, and here is what most Realtors believe to be a tough sell:
1) A very expensive unit in a low rise building without an elevator – On a high floor. Meaning $1M for a 5th floor walk up. Though some of the best deals in town can be found on the 3rd floors of many blgds.
2) A Three story tall cheap metal spiral staircase that screams “death” ? Yeah, that isn’t easy to overcome.
One flight of spirals in town is a great space saver. Three flights can be visually daunting.
3) Condo fees over over $1 per sq ft per month without a doorman, parking, pool, or even a gym. An inverse relationship can exist between condo fees and resale value. Add the burden of non- fanne mae warrant-ability, and you have on tough sale on your hands.
4) Buildings that just look like sh*t- from the exterior, to the lobby, elevators, and hallways. Where ongoing maintenance is clearly not a priortiy.
NOW….there is one possible upside to buying a condo in a building that may possess some of the above characteristics – And that would be price. An exceedingly well priced condo can be forgiven for its many attached sins.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condos in Philadelphia, philadelphia
July 8, 2013
There are a lot of well managed, well run Philadelphia condo buildings here in town, and there are a lot of crappy, hard to resell, impossible to finance, and just all around disasters- In terms of being an awful investment.
Here are some things that I suggest buyers keep in mind when determining the strength of a Center City condo purchase (unless of course, they outright just steal the condo in terms of a killer price-
1) Owner- Occupancy Ratios: The more owners in a building, generally the better for resale. Under 30% tenants is a fine number. 90% tenants ain’t so great.
2) Delinquincy Ratios on Condo Fees- Some buildings are filled with deadbeats. Sorry. If over 15% of owners are late on their monthly dues- building becomes non fanne mae warrantable, and financing the condos in the building is remarkably difficult. Leads to depressed values real quick.
3) Condo buildings with appallingly low monthly fees. That could mean the building is going to hell in a handbag. Buildings need to be maintained regularly.
4) Buildings that clearly are in need of an assessment- yet owners won’t approve deferred, much needed upkeep and repairs- either internal or exterior.
5) Overall Ugly Buildings. In an alley. Next to a dumpster. Puke on the sidewalks. And urine. Yeah, not a big fan.
You want me to name name’s? Call me. Let’s chat.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condominiums, condominiums philadelphia real estate, real estate philadelphia condos
July 1, 2013
You don’t get if you don’t ask….but there are times when I have to say NO to a buyer’s request. I just can’t….Sorry 🙁
1) Getting condo docs in advance of your offer- Condo docs are ordered by the seller and can cost up to $300. No seller orders prior to a sale in my experience.
2) Make an offer on two Center City condos simultaneously- Sorry, but you have to make up your mind. You need to approach an offer in good faith…and like dating, you really can only do so one at a time. You may want to two time…but you really can’t.
3) Move In Prior To Settlement- Perhaps if you rub a lamp, this wish could come true. It ain’t going to happen. You can move in when you own the condo. Period.
4) Expect the Owner to Leave The Condo Spic & Span- Yeah….that ain’t going to happen. The contract calls for “Broom Swept Clean” condition.
5) Expecting there not to be nail holes in walls where pictures once hung- Pictures do not magically float or levitate onto walls. They are put there via nails and screws. Expect that holes to remain once the pictures are gone. Shocking, right?
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condos in Philadelphia
June 17, 2013
If you’re thinking of moving to Philadelphia, or already live here but are in the market for new digs, your neighborhood will make a huge difference in your enjoyment of the city. Even in Center City, there are various personalities in different blocks. Depending on you, your budget, and where you are in life, you’ll probably have a pretty strong opinion about what you’re looking for.
For example, if you’re a single income w/no kids, you probably don’t care much about the quality of schools in the district. On the other hand, if you’re buying a home as an investment and not renting, the school quality will matter because it impacts the value of the property. Here are a few of the best neighborhoods in Philly to consider.
Avenue of the Arts
Located on Broad Street, this barrio is just what it sounds like. The Theater District is nestled here, close to City Hall, and there are a number of galleries and cultural sites nearby. The general vibe is creative.It runs from Broad and Locust to Broad and Lombard and hosts many of the area’s theaters. If you’re looking for some inspiration and a neighborhood that likely won’t diminish in value, this is it.
Old City
Close to Delaware River, Old City is a historical downtown niche. Independence Hall is located here as well as the Betsy Ross House, Elfreth’s Alley and a number of other historical sites. It’s bordered by Vine and Walnut streets and is favorite area for history buffs or those who prefer a peppering of culture in their lives. After work hours, it’s known for having some of the best nightlife, lounges, dive bars and mom and pop restaurants in the city.
Society Hill
Society Hill is an architecture lover’s dream realized. There are more original buildings constructed in the the18 and 19 century than anywhere else in the U.S. It boasts cobblestone streets, a charming vibe and row homes bound by Front and 7th Streets. Federal and Georgian style reign supreme here.
Midtown Village A new neighborhood that’s part of Washington Square West, Midtown Village is highly desirable, trendy, and full of boutiques and shops. Antique Row is here and both medical and educational institutions are abundant, and it’s a popular area for those looking for the best in life (and homes).
There are many personalities in Philadelphia, so make sure you consider them all. Just like car and mouse trap reviews, you want to make sure you do your research before you start home hunting. Are you more Old City or Midtown Village? Only you can decide.
Michelle Rebecca
Michelle is an aspiring writer with a passion for blogging. She enjoys writing about a vast variety of topics and loves that blogging gives her the opportunity to publicly voice her thoughts and share advice with an unlimited audience.
Tags: Center City Real Estate, philadelphia, philly real estate
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