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June 17, 2013

The Best Neighborhoods in Philly

Filed under: For Buyers,General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 1:17 pm

If you’re thinking of moving to Philadelphia, or already live here but are in the market for new digs, your neighborhood will make a huge difference in your enjoyment of the city. Even in Center City, there are various personalities in different blocks. Depending on you, your budget, and where you are in life, you’ll probably have a pretty strong opinion about what you’re looking for.

For example, if you’re a single income w/no kids, you probably don’t care much about the quality of schools in the district. On the other hand, if you’re buying a home as an investment and not renting, the school quality will matter because it impacts the value of the property. Here are a few of the best neighborhoods in Philly to consider.

Avenue of the Arts
Located on Broad Street, this barrio is just what it sounds like. The Theater District is nestled here, close to City Hall, and there are a number of galleries and cultural sites nearby. The general vibe is creative.It runs from Broad and Locust to Broad and Lombard and hosts many of the area’s theaters. If you’re looking for some inspiration and a neighborhood that likely won’t diminish in value, this is it.

Old City
Close to Delaware River, Old City is a historical downtown niche. Independence Hall is located here as well as the Betsy Ross House, Elfreth’s Alley and a number of other historical sites. It’s bordered by Vine and Walnut streets and is favorite area for history buffs or those who prefer a peppering of culture in their lives. After work hours, it’s known for having some of the best nightlife, lounges, dive bars and mom and pop restaurants in the city.

Society Hill
Society Hill is an architecture lover’s dream realized. There are more original buildings constructed in the the18 and 19 century than anywhere else in the U.S. It boasts cobblestone streets, a charming vibe and row homes bound by Front and 7th Streets. Federal and Georgian style reign supreme here.

Midtown Village                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A new neighborhood that’s part of Washington Square West, Midtown Village is highly desirable, trendy, and full of boutiques and shops. Antique Row is here and both medical and educational institutions are abundant, and it’s a popular area for those looking for the best in life (and homes).

There are many personalities in Philadelphia, so make sure you consider them all. Just like car and mouse trap reviews, you want to make sure you do your research before you start home hunting. Are you more Old City or Midtown Village? Only you can decide.

 Michelle Rebecca

Michelle is an aspiring writer with a passion for blogging. She enjoys writing about a vast variety of topics and loves that blogging gives her the opportunity to publicly voice her thoughts and share advice with an unlimited audience.

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