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July 31, 2008

Shut Up and Give me some feedback (pretty please)!

Filed under: General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 4:04 pm

As the owner and operator of, I am always appreciative when someone comes to me with feedback about my site. Nine times out of ten, someone is saying nice things.

But I wonder how many people leave my site, with a bitter review that perhaps they are not sharing with me. With the help of my website designers, I came up with the ideas for the layout, menu, and content. I have added a blog and a place to listen to my podcasts. But what if a lot of what I am doing, truly sucks…and I don’t know it?!


That is where I would like EVERYONE to know that I am open to criticism. If there is something that you think could be improved, refined, added, deleted, fixed, shortened, sweetened, or altogether altered, won’t you please drop me a note, and let me know?

I average over 5000 visits to my site per month, and the average length of each visit exceeds 4 minutes! And there is just no way everyone is leaving happy and fulfilled…

If you like, take a minute, and let me know what you think. Believe it or not, the more feedback I get, the more I want to do my corny “happy dance”…

Thanks so much for your continued support!

Mark Wade 
Prudential Fox and Roach Realtors
530 Walnut St. Suite 260 Philadelphia, Pa. 19106


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  1. […] Original post by Center City Condos Blog […]

    Pingback by Shut Up and Give me some feedback (pretty please)! · Real-Estate.ExplainedOnline.Net — July 31, 2008 @ 4:21 pm
  2. You have a great site. It’s the main reason I chose your agency when I bought my condo recently. I looked at a couple of other sites, but they were either hard to use or not focussed on the Center City market. I still use it occasionally, just to drool over the more expensive homes (for when I win the lottery).

    Your blog is very helpful. I tried a podcast, but don’t care for those (in general, not just yours). It’s so much faster to read something than to sit and listen.

    The only suggestions I have are:

    1. It’s really frustrating when a listing doesn’t include the square footage. Size was one of my most important criteria and if it wasn’t included, I wasn’t interested.

    2. It would be nice if you could search multiple areas with the same criteria, instead of having to go back, choose your area, then re-input your criteria. Not a big deal, but it would be more convenient.

    Comment by Ann Marie — August 4, 2008 @ 2:59 pm

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530 Walnut Street, Suite 480
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