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March 2025

February 2, 2015

Buying Pre-Construction From a Set of Plans…

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,For Sellers,General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 12:50 pm
Remember that 1960’s board game “Mystery Date?”
Where you didn’t know if you are going to get the dreamboat or the dud? Well, that is not unlike buying a new construction Center City condominium from a set of plans….
Unless you have a crystal
ball or are perhaps from the future.
Some buyers win, some…not so much.
    Evidence of both scenarios have clearly played out in town over the past decade as buyers often purchased from developers’ plans.
108 Arch St. clearly handed the brave buyers a lovely place to hang their hat as finishes, layout, scale, light, ceiling height, nearly every factor turned out to be top notch- not to mention the finish quality.
   There is an upside to buying from plans- and that generally is a developer’s willingness to make alterations to his plans free of charge. Don’t need that 3rd bedroom, but want a larger closet and bath? Done. Want to pick your finishes in the kitchen, flooring and tile options, etc? No problem. Altering a floor plan or finishes prior to the developer buying or completing the interior work usually can be negotiated at no charge to the buyer…so some flexibility/benefit can be achieved by buying new construction.
   But the same can’t be said for many other condo buildings in town. Examples of poor workmanship, values that deflate rapidly, and buyers left holding the bag are not uncommon. Because truth be told, there are many instances where you really don’t know what the hell you are buying. And getting the developer to finish the unit, should a significant punch list survive settlement, might be like pulling teeth.
There are winners and losers when buying pre-construction.
My advice?
 Get a good real estate lawyer from the get-go, and DO NOT settle until the condo is finished. Don’t settle with a punch-list IF it can be avoided.  Some developers are true to their word…and honestly will service your condo post-sale. I think a few good examples of this would be my experiences with Pearl Properties,Toll Brothers and Rufo Properties. All were really great at post-settlement follow up.
Oh, and when the completion date is set for say June 1st…plan on moving in August 1st or so (in any given year). I’m just sayin’….the best laid plans can get held up in town and so many things are out of the control of a developer…so plan ahead.
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