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Center City Philadelphia
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March 2025

November 23, 2015

Yeah- The Chore of downsizing really sucks

Filed under: Center City Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 9:49 am

One of the biggest hurdles I find for empty nesters moving into Center City is the chore of downsizing. A recent client of mine found a professional downsizer. I was amazed at how he helped her out of her large 5-bedroom home into a smaller two-bedroom condo at 1326 Spruce St. Here is what she had help with:


Some of the things Ed does:

He goes through the house and has me identify any big items like furniture, carpets, etc. that I will take to the condo, measures the items, takes photos to which he adds numbers to identify each item.  He produces a large diagram of the condo and gives me pages with squares, rectangles, etc. indicating each item by the number and representing all the items that I am planning to take, the sizes in proportion to what they would be in the condo.  He then asks me to decide where each numbered item goes.  This is terrific, because you can tell, for example, in what room and where A carpet or chest will fit or realize that an item – like my twin bed on the 3rd floor – will not fit and plan the arrangements accordingly. He identifies an area (like the basement) or a category (like books) that is the focus. He confronts me about stuff, forcing me to make decisions about what I must take, what I am ready to discard, and what I need to think about.  Like a demon, he then organizes everything, packs stuff for the condo with care and with speed – putting on labels indicating where things go, takes anything to be discarded to a thrift shop or similar.

On his own, he zoomed through the basement, sorting through everything in a flash.  You would not believe how quick he is and how EMPTY the basement now looks. This is an invaluable help.   A great find. Here is his contact info:


Mischa Greenberg


Serving Philadelphia, and the Tri State Area

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