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Center City Philadelphia
Condos and Lofts


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March 2025

August 31, 2015

What to expect When You Call Me To See Condos

Filed under: Center City Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 10:39 am

I get many calls from a variety of buyers wanting to go see condos in town and am always happy when a buyer puts their trust in me. Here are a few things to know when we begin shopping for your new condo:


  1. You are going to need to be on time. Most of the condos we will see have a window of time in which the seller has allowed us access. And sometimes we have to meet other agents, or the alarm will be off for a specific time frame. You can’t be late for our appointments. I like to say that I do a lot of things in Real Estate and late is not one of them 🙂
  2. Plan on parking your car somewhere- like in a parking lot so that If we are out for more than two hours- we won’t need to swing back to add money to your parking meter. I will be driving us from say The Hopkinson House to the The National in Old City.
  3. Our first appointment will probably be our shortest. I will be showing you a wide variety of condos in different price ranges, locations, and styles (contemporary or traditional). And I will try to show you a variety of interior conditions. The point is for me to watch and listen to you as you experience a variety of condos.
  4. After our first tour- I am going to know exactly what to show you and what NOT to show you on our upcoming tours. So the first tour is really a learning experience as you get an introduction to the market and I get an idea of your wants and needs.
  5. Lastly- After you are home and have had a little time to digest what we have seen- Send me an email telling me what you liked and disliked about each condo. This feedback is going to be HUGE in helping me cut all the BS (condos you don’t want) for our next tour!

Thanks…and I look forward to working with you to find your next home!

• • •

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