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March 2025

September 9, 2013

Spit on Your Mortgage Solicitors Grave….

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 2:00 pm

You know you want to. All my buyers do….it is just part and parcel in terms of the buying process. Believe me when I tell you that you are going to be tortured. Mortgage lenders have rules they have to follow, and these loans are sold on the secondary market via Fannie Mae….and of course they have their rules as well.

    The good news is that everyone gets tortured equally. And I don’t care if you have fabulous credit, millions in the bank…whatever. The process is an arduous one, and no one is free from the pain of procuring a residential loan these days. I recently bought a new Center City condo and thought that I might be exempt from the pain and torture…being the big brain that I am. I soon discovered that my attributes could not save me….
    Even my mortgage dudes Jason and Mike at Trident, who I use myself ALWAYS comes through for me and my buyers ….gets the stink eye from even the nicest of the buying set.  So get ready to get tortured. But know that it is not the mortgage solicitor who is making the rules. He or she is just following the rules and guidelines set forth by either their investors or Fannie Mae, or a combination of the two.
So buckle up boys and girls. Just when you think you have given your mortgage company every thing they ask for….You can pretty much be sure that there is one more document that will need from you…..  And don’t look at me…I am not making up any rules here- I am just passing on the information  🙂
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