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Center City Philadelphia
Condos and Lofts


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March 2025

November 9, 2015

Shut the F up and just buy that condo

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,For Sellers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 3:01 pm

Sometimes, I know what condo is best for any given buyer. Honest…26+ years selling in this town gives me that unique ability. Not always…but sometimes I do. And sometimes I know when a buyer should act with haste and BUY THAT CONDO TODAY. And in the same vein, I know when to tell a buyer to run like hell AWAY from any given condo. That last part is easy to vocalize.


But in all honesty, that is the most difficult part of my job- Telling a buyer what to offer and that he

or she may need to jump on it ASAP in order to ward other potential buyers off. I sometimes feel like a buyer may think I am bullsh*tting them into a deal. That really isn’t ever the case. I am not interested in resting my reputation on any given sale. I sell a LOT OF CONDOS year after year after year and the ability to do so is really based upon reputation. Risking my reputation so that you buy a condo “real fast” isn’t how I operate. And if you ever think that is the case- you should abandon me ASAP and never take another one of my calls. But most of the time, buyers do not know just HOW GOOD any given condo is priced, nor have any clue to the fact that it may be grossly undervalued. That is when I try to gingerly try to prove my point. More often than not, buyers heed that advice…though not always and of course that is OK.


But sometime when my clients and I do stumble upon a gem of a gem – I do want to find the nearest mountaintop and shout “SHUT THE F UP AND JUST BUY THAT CONDO”….

Which is easier said than done 🙂 The condos at Waterfront Square that were bank owned come to mind in this situation..

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