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December 6, 2012

Guest Post: Three Center City Museums You Should Make Time to Visit

Filed under: Center City Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 2:11 pm

If you live in Center City Philadelphia, then you already know how rich the place is in culture and activities. From parks and theaters to dining and nightlife, Center City Condo residents can always find something fun or enjoyable to do.

Perhaps that’s part of the problem, however. Since you live in the city, you know that you’ll always have a chance to get around to that one place you want to check out. Tourists, on the other hand, have to make the most of the limited time they have. As a result, it’s quite possible that out-of-towners have experienced more of your hometown than you have.

Whether you’re a nightclub waitress or a mechanic specializing in 1987 Mustang parts, everybody needs a little downtime. Make time in your schedule one day to experience some of the amazing places right in your own backyard. Here are three that you shouldn’t miss:

  1. Philadelphia Museum of Art

If the thought of visiting a museum makes you cringe with thoughts of dull education, you need to rethink your idea of the museum experience. Museums are fascinating places to visit with all kinds of interesting artifacts, exhibits and pieces of art. Exhibits tend to change, though, so check the website to see what’s currently on display.

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is one of the country’s largest, so you know you’re in for a treat when you visit. From periodic furniture and clothing to displays of the armor of knights and their horses, there’s something at the museum that will delight everyone.

  1. Rodin Museum

Rodin museum is actually administrated by the Philadelphia Museum of Art, but it definitely has its own wonders to offer. One of the most prized treasures of this museum is the beautiful gardens which have been recently renovated. In the gardens, you’ll find several famous sculptures and statues, including the classic work, The Thinker.

Inside the museum, you’ll enjoy the extensive collection of the works of Rodin. Explore the brass, plaster and marble masterpieces from one of the most notable sculptors in modern history.

  1. The African American Museum in Philadelphia

African Americans have played such a large role in shaping what our country is today. The African American Museum in Philadelphia offers tribute and recognition to the pioneers in some of the nation’s most historical and important movements.

The works in the museum go far beyond civil rights leaders, however. Get a glimpse of noteworthy art, discover a rich culture, and take a look into the lives of famous African American photographers, inventors, educators and others.

Whether you’re looking for something to do on a first day or want to spend a weekend exploring what Central City has to offer, consider adding at least one of these places to your itinerary.

Michelle Rebecca

Byline: Michelle is an aspiring writer with a passion for blogging. She enjoys writing about a vast variety of topics and loves that blogging gives her the opportunity to publicly voice her thoughts and share advice with an unlimited audience.

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