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Center City Philadelphia
Condos and Lofts


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September 10, 2011

Faux Philadelphia Penthouse Condos?

Filed under: State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 7:11 am

Philly Penthouse Condos: You call THAT a penthouse? Is that a true penthouse (left) or a Just a top floor condo (right)?

Almost any top floor condo in Center City Philadelphia will attempt to be passed off as a penthouse. But does a top floor condo always constitute penthouse living?

Often, penthouse condos will truly be a little home onto of a high rise building. Think
1901 Walnut St. (the Plaza), or the top floors of 250 S. 13th st. (The Lenox) or 1900 Rittenhouse
Square (1900).  These are true penthouse condos- with gracious outside space atop the building, and some really outstanding features- be it interior staircase (think bi-level) or say
a private elevator going directly to the top floor unit.

Too often, I see no redeeming value or quality to what are referred to as “Penthouse Condos” here in Center City. No excessive or heightened ceiling height, no over-sized windows, or even
any detailing that might somehow lend credence to the word penthouse- the unit simply happens to be on the top floor of the building.

True Penthouse condos tend to be large, with ornate detailing, or some other attribute that will separate the units look, feel and emotional impact from other units in the building. And they generally garner a higher dollar per square foot sale price.   However, a top floor unit may notalways warrant an inflated value if the unit possesses no true value or otherwise compensating factor.

Mark Wade

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August 23, 2011

Dumbass Power Plays in Philly Real Estate

Filed under: General Real Estate,State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 8:13 am

     I have been selling real estate in exclusively in downtown Philadelphia for twenty-three years. I have done some stupid things in my career, and I have witnessed many buyers and sellers making equally stupid moves.  I often see buyers and sellers either pinching a dime for a dollar, or just doing some absurd moves that are much more trouble than the expected payoff. And I am sure this is not limited to just Center City buyers…I have no doubt the scenarios play out in every real estate community:
Scenario 1:  Having the Last Word
Seller asks $499k for a condo
Buyer and Seller go back and forth, and after a few days, buyer say $480,000 is my
“Highest and Best” offer for this parcel. And then seller comes back and says $480,001.
Really? You really want to be a douche bag and say that? You are pissing the buyer off,
and it will probably  cost you much much more in terms of anxiety, anguish, and animosity within
the transaction as you are locked into a legally binding contract with this buyer for say the next 60-90 days. Perhaps you should just zip your lip and take the freakin’ $480k instead of having to have the last word. Don’t forget, buyers still have to perform a home inspection.
Scenario 2: Can’t See the Forest For the Trees
Seller asks $499k for a condo
This property is a bank-owned sty that should be selling for $800k if it weren’t so dirty, missing
all the appliances, and listed with Susy Bag O’ Donuts out of Erie, Pa. (it happens…bank foreclosures are often listed by those with no connection to the area). And as a buyer, you get the Big-Brain idea to come in at $400k…because after all, the market is slow, weak, and uncertain.  OK….you are an idiot. If you can’t recognize such an overtly strong bargain, and
see that the huge upside is the fact that the condo is grossly underpriced at $499k….then maybe
you need to do a little more homework on prices and values here in Center City.
Scenario 3: Why Aren’t you Using a Magic Wand?
Sellers asks $499k for a condo
As a buyer, you top out at $480,000 and the seller will still not accept your offer. And recent “comps” suggest the seller is correct as no other unit in the building has sold for under $500k.
You then turn to your Realtor and complain that you can’t get the property for $480k. And you are relentless. Even in the face of the facts. But you persist. You dump your Realtor because he or she refuses to wave their magic wand and make this deal happen. You then drive down the road, and see your Realtor Singing and Dancing in the middle of the intersection of Broad and Walnut.
No one likes a whiner. Not even in this “slow, weak, and uncertain” market place.
     There are bargains to be had and deals to be made. Opportunity exists in all market conditions, and the current state of affairs in Center City- which has weathered the overall real estate storm fairly well- should indeed be taken into account when negotiating the purchase or sale of any parcel in Philadelphia. But knowing when you have crossed the line and driven right into
Crazy Town Pa. might be helpful when finding the right piece of Center City real estate. And help
you negotiate the best possible, realistic terms.  Mark Wade

I welcome feedback!

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July 28, 2011

4 Things You Should Know About Center City Real Estate- And be able to talk about at a Party

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 3:26 pm

So you are standing in a corner, evoking memories of your first 7th grade dance…feeling kinda’ alone. Since everyone likes to talk Real Estate…why not drop these little conversations starters:

1) For two decades, Northern Liberties was “Up and Coming”. It is here now… And home to a huge variety of contemporary new construction townhouses and condos. Hippest in town.

2) Flipping is going to be back in vogue starting in 2012 in Center City. The long somewhat slow market hasput a halt on flipping for about the past 10 years…so the buying public will appreciate the “2012 new offerings”

3) The Ritz Carlton is the best deal in town. Great prices, and one hell of a Luxury High Rise

4) Chase Utley lives at they Ayer on Washington Square, and Cliff Lee lives at 1706 Rittenhouse.

Everyone wants to discuss real estate at a party. You now can play a part….You don’t have to be a big-brain, you just have to nod accordingly, and drop these tid-bits out should the opportunity present itself….

Mark Wade


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June 7, 2011

Renting Increases in Philadelphia Condos

There was an article last week in the Philadelphia Inquirer that suggests more Philadelphia Condos are being rented.  Here is an excerpt from the article:

Because the focus of residential construction during the boom times was on for-sale housing rather than rentals, there aren’t enough high-end apartments to go around now.

“We are finding the high-end rentals to be almost nonexistent, as they rent fairly quickly,” said real estate agent Mark Wade, of Prudential Fox & Roach.

Condos near the University of Pennsylvania and Thomas Jefferson University “have a built-in demand for rentals, and we have seen that equation play out year after year,” Wade said.

Read more here:

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach Realtors
530 Walnut St. #260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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January 4, 2011

Old City was a Sh*thole When I First Moved There in the 90’s

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers,Real Estate: Condominiums,State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 1:22 pm

Old City Philadelphia: the neighborhood that was once blighted with unattractive and massive warehouses is now the place to be for many searching for a hip and groovy Philadelphia Condos. Once referred to as the “Warehouse district”, Old City has become the hip urban neighborhood that is much in demand!


Converted factories and lofts dominate the Old City condo set. Though few townhouses are located within Old City, many buyers find the attraction to the variety of loft space a real draw. Old City Condos in the area are many and varied. From studios to larger rambling spaces, the historic fabric and eclectic visuals make Old City a popular buying destination for Philadelphia’s residential condo buyers. 108 Arch, The Moravian condominiums, York Square, Bridgeview Place condos, Wireworks condos, and the National in Old City are some of the big name condos in the area. All of Old City falls within the 19106 zip code. Area boundaries for Old City Philly are:  Front St. to the east, 5th St. to the west, and Walnut St. to the south, and Wood St. to the north.

I personally have lived in Old City for 17 out of my 20 years here in downtown Philadelphia, and really enjoy the neighborhood. The charm, history, and area shopping proximity are just a few bonuses to my Old City condo!

See video of an Old City condo that aired on HGTV!
Old City Condos for sale!

Mark Wade
530 Walnut St., Suite 480 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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December 14, 2010

Empty Nesters Love Center City Condos

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,Of Interest to Buyers,Of Interest To Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums,State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 12:38 pm

Everyone thought Bob and Suzie were nuts to abandon their beautiful suburban oasis, replete with ducks flying to and from the pond, for a 17 foot wide row home in Philadelphia in 1992. A row house with no parking and no more than a small square slab of cement to call a back yard and four stories from basement to top floor.  Their move signaled a shift in the residential paradigm. Their parents left the city after World War II, and come hell or high water, they weren’t coming back. But Bob and Suzie think of themselves as far to cool and hip to spend their days in a five bedroom ranch house with a half acre of land, and a basement full of tools and half used accouterments. Remember, they are the generation that said words like “groovy”, and “right on”. The idea of never owning a lawnmower, or a garage full of half used brooms and shovels, appeals to many empty nesters. No more yard work, no more owning more than one car, and no more having to repair the roof. The thought of new surroundings, in a new luxury condominium, with much less responsibility (and therefore more freedom) is again very appealling.

Baby boomers, becoming empty nesters provided the fuel needed for many new projects that have recently been added to Center City’s skyline. Buyers of many luxury Philadelphia condominiums have made wonderful gains in the last twenty years, with respect to their real estate investments. Without the burden of private schools for the kids, the kids, and often during prime earning years it is the Empty Nesters’ turn to treat themselves, and the developers of many condominiums have positioned themselves to take advantage of that market.

The perception that downtown Philadelphia has really come a long way over the past twenty years.  Our City is cleaner, safer, and culturally more adept -are all reasons that contribute to the lure of the empty nesters. From friends who have also made the move, to museums, restaurants, shopping, and the bike trails up the Schuylkill river, Philadelphia is shaping up to be a fine residential attraction, and empty nesters have taken notice. And to think that Northern Liberties is now the place to see and be seen. Who would have thought?

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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November 12, 2010

Spooky Shadow Inventory in Philadelphia Real Estate

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,For Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums,State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 3:00 pm

There are clearly a number of condos for sale in Philadelphia. Duh. But what about the unmentioned “Shadow Inventory” that might be creeping up on us all? Shadow inventory, in my mind, are the condos that are part of some non-performing new developments here in town. There are a number of buildings with a hefty amount of inventory that has been sitting for quite a while, and is not selling. And the bulk of it is high rise condominiums – in generally what most buyers term as “B” locations.


Prices  have a tendency to come down in such situations. Sometimes a new buyer will come in and buy the inventory in bulk, sometimes a condo auction will reset the pricing structure, and sometimes the buildings become glorified rental buildings- which simply postpones the inevitable price restructuring in the building (Delay and Pray).

Will Center City’s Shadow Inventory Come back to Haunt the Pricing Structure for Condos in this Segment? Will Philadelphia Condo Buildings that are viewed as substitutes for this shadow inventory suffer as well?

Stay Tuned..I’ll tell you what I think.

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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November 8, 2010

Center City Real Estate Fun Facts

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,Real Estate: Condominiums,State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 1:04 pm

Lifted from an article I read on and

– A little less than half the working people who live in Center City have jobs there. One-quarter commute out to the suburbs. Most of the rest work elsewhere in Philadelphia – except around wealthy Rittenhouse Square, where nearly one-fifth of the population works in New York or some other “Out of Area” location.

– Around one in three Center City workers walk to their job. Almost as many “reverse commute” by car. About a quarter take Septa or Patco. 6% work at home; 5% bike.

– Philadelphia “is weathering the recession much better than other places,” at least partly because we didn’t inflate so much:

Philadelphia ranks with energy-rich Dallas and Denver as places where home prices are off less than 10% since the market peaked three years ago.

Know any fun facts about living in Center City Philadelphia you want to share/comment on? Let me know!

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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August 31, 2010

You’re a Real Estate Junkie, aren’t you?

Filed under: General Real Estate,State of Marketplace — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 3:48 pm

Did your addiction start back in the late 1980’s with the Sunday morning infomercials like “Fox and Lazo’s Parade of Homes”?
Do you search sites like and, just to see what is on the market in your area? Has your need compelled you to chat about Philadelphia real estate at cocktail parties, and intimate gatherings? And do you usually look through the real estate section of the Sunday paper…like, every Sunday? I thought so.

My particular need for R.E. (real estate) was first exposed to all at the age of 19. I used to sit down with a red pen, and circle properties in the weekend paper that I thought our family might drive past, after seeing those on the aforementioned Parade of Homes. Anyway, I am a realtor now for the past 21 years here in downtown Philadelphia. I know your type. You notice every “for sale” sign in your neighborhood. Akin to there being a metal plate in your head that pings whenever you drive past a “for sale” sign you have also probably spoken to or emailed a Philly realtor to get some more info on a home that you planned on neither buying nor selling. And Open Houses? Forget…you have been to them all, and you usually make a B-Line for the photos on the walls of those homes.
Go ahead, admit it. You are a Real Estate Junkie. Start with the phrase, “My name is _______________, and I am a real estate junkie. You will feel much better in no time.

Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106

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Philadelphia, PA 19106
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