April 13, 2010
Put simply: If the condo association wants to replace all the windows in your Center City condo building, and they don’t have the money in the bank to pay for it up front, they will bill every owner an amount to pay for the improvement. They do this via a special assessment. That is why it is important to look at the overall condition of the Philadelphia loft or condominium building in which you might be considering a purchase.
Deferred maintenance issues are paid by the owners of the condo association. Does your building need a new elevator?
Something to think about……
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale philadelphia pa, Center City condo, center city condo for sale, center city condo philadelphia, center city condos for sale philadelphia, center city philadelphia condo, center city philadelphia condominiums, condo loft philadelphia rittenhouse square, condominiums philadelphia real estate, condos for sale in center city philadelphia pa, condos in Philadelphia, condos philadelphia, lofts in philadelphia, philadelphia loft, real estate philadelphia condos, rittenhouse sq condos, rittenhouse square condo
March 11, 2010
Does an 800 sq. ft. Philadelphia Condominium become more valuable if you start adding walls?

Here is what I believe to be correct:
1) You will lose value if you turn a two bedroom condo into a one bedroom condo by removing walls. Improving the size of the living room does not add value. At all.
2) Any huge one bedroom unit that can visually and logically be turned into a two bedroom condo- should be.
3) A cheap 2 bed VS a cool 1 bed? Depending on sooo many factors- primarily square footage, location, prestige of building, interior condition, etc, etc. A 2 bedroom gets you divided rooms- but can that top (say) a stronger building in a stronger location inside a 1 bedroom unit?
4) Whether the walls completely seal off a bedroom, or bedrooms are cordoned off by half-walls, in most instances will not affect value of any given unit.
5) I think that if we were talking a Beach House, then yes….go for the 2 bed. With the plethora of hotels in town, perhaps the value of more “rooms” in a Philly loft is diminished a bit.
Agree, disagree? Lets hear it….
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale philadelphia pa, Center City condo, center city condo for sale, center city condo philadelphia, center city condos for sale philadelphia, center city philadelphia condo, center city philadelphia condominiums, condo loft philadelphia rittenhouse square, condominiums philadelphia real estate, condos for sale in center city philadelphia pa, condos in Philadelphia, condos philadelphia, lofts in philadelphia, philadelphia loft, real estate philadelphia condos, rittenhouse sq condos, rittenhouse square condo
February 25, 2010

Like fanny packs, scrunchies, and “been there, done that”, the use of exposed brick in many Old City lofts is getting out of hand. Are buyers sooo over exposed brick that a decorating intervention needs to happen here? Though I personally like exposed brick, I like mine with a twist. I like mine painted.
I will never forget the time I walked into the 2nd floor condo at 131 Cuthbert St. and saw that the two owners had taken a pair of corner exposed brick columns, and painted them medium-darking gray. I thought I was going to have a stroke. It was so gorgeous. Really stunning! And everyone who came into the condo (we are talking EXPERIENCED Center City realtors, who have seen it all) was also really blown away by the simple addition of paint to exposed brick.
So think outside the box. Go big or go home. Just do it….. And other trite ad slogans. I encourage you to give your buyer something he or she isn’t going to see anywhere else.
Worse case scenario is you hate it, and end up painting it white (or pale powder blue). Oh, and painted exposed brick should never be done in a high gloss. EVER. I’m just sayin’.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale philadelphia pa, Center City condo, center city condo for sale, center city condo philadelphia, center city condos for sale philadelphia, center city philadelphia condo, center city philadelphia condominiums, condo loft philadelphia rittenhouse square, condominiums philadelphia real estate, condos for sale in center city philadelphia pa, condos in Philadelphia, condos philadelphia, lofts in philadelphia, philadelphia loft, real estate philadelphia condos, rittenhouse sq condos, rittenhouse square condo
January 19, 2010
Though I rarely sit at Sunday open houses here in Philadelphia, I do so sometimes with a slight effect from being out with my friends from the previous (Saturday) night. I am tired, and sometimes sit in a chair for the entire duration of any given Open House. Thank goodness our Center City Sunday Open House shift only last an hour. I think I might go nuts otherwise.
But there are a few things that brighten my morning, like showing up five minutes early to my (say) Rittenhouse Square condo Open House, and see potential buyers waiting for me. Or be blessed with sellers who have turned on every light, adjusted the thermostat appropriately, and even perhaps lit a candle in order to bring some life into the condo. Nothing kills the “likeability” of your Old City condo like 98 degree heat….. inside the unit I am about to introduce to perspective buyers. And kitty puke on the kitchen floor…eh, no. Ditto for doggie doo piles on the patio. And for heaven sake…make the bed. Clean the bathtub, and pick your crap up off the floor of the walk-in closet. NO POTENTIAL BUYER WANTS TO INHERIT YOUR LIFESTYLE, should your lifestyle be easily equated to that of say a 19 year old fraternity dude. Dude.
And buyers, you have a checklist of your own. Keep your dog at home, and don’t show up ten minutes AFTER my open house has ended, expecting a 25 minute tour. (Please, that is :)). And if you are just browsing, and saw the sign out front, give me some time with the “real” buyers who may have come specifically for this home. Your presence is welcome. Your monopolization of my time…perhaps not so much.
Sellers and buyers need to put on a good show to be taken seriously. And buying a condo in Philadelphia is a serious consideration, and a thought for which one should prepare. Put your best foot forward, and happy buying and selling!
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale philadelphia pa, Center City condo, center city condo for sale, center city condo philadelphia, center city condos for sale philadelphia, center city philadelphia condo, center city philadelphia condominiums, condo loft philadelphia rittenhouse square, condominiums philadelphia real estate, condos for sale in center city philadelphia pa, condos in Philadelphia, condos philadelphia, lofts in philadelphia, philadelphia loft, real estate philadelphia condos, rittenhouse sq condos, rittenhouse square condo
December 24, 2009

Lets be honest here- most Philadelphia real estate transactions leave buyers feeling that perhaps they may have overpaid, and sellers left feeling like their home was worth a bit more than was reflected in the agreed upon sale price. And it usually doesn’t matter if it is a buyers market, or a sellers market. Similar to the notion that those driving slower than you are slugs, and those driving faster than you are maniacs. Sound familiar?
As a veteran Philadelphia Realtor, I am aware that there is a fair deal of perceived bleeding in most transactions. I personally have never sold a home for what I thought it was worth. In my brain, I always end up getting screwed. And that is really, in my humble opinion, what buying and selling is all about. You get what you can, you give what you can, and hopefully an agreement is reached. But please don’t think there isn’t going to be a little pain, and a little bleeding.
The idea is to keep the bleeding to a minimum as no to warrant anything more than a band-aid. Certainly no one wants to walk away from a deal with war-sized wounds. But a little bleeding is to be expected in most transactions. I always tell my buyers that I can get them 9 out of ten things on their wish list. And the same holds true during negotiations- hopefully I can get you 90% of the way there.
At that point, perhaps if the deal is right (for you), you are going to have to cough up that list nickle. And I am aware, it is that last nickle that is the toughest to part with!
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale in philadelphia, Center City condo, center city condominium, center city condos, condos in Philadelphia, condos in philadelphia area, condos in philadelphia for sale, condos philadelphia, for sale condos philadelphia, lofts in philadelphia, lofts philadelphia, philadelphia loft, philadelphia real estate, philly condo, philly condos, rittenhouse square condo
December 15, 2009
…I hear it is the next stimulus piece to come down the pike!
Though the details are still being worked out, the Cash inefficient and old appliances program that kicks in late this fall will offer consumers cash to help buy new home appliances. You could get a rebate of $50 to $200 for buying a new, more energy-efficient appliance to replace one in your kitchen. The federal government has set aside $300 million for the program as part of the economic stimulus plan. Appliances including dishwashers, boilers, freezers, refrigerators, washing machines, dryers, furnaces, water heaters, and air-conditioning units may all be available for the program, and Pennsylvania has indeed applied for enrollment in the program! We may just see the last of the Avacado Green and Forest Brown appliances that adorn many old Center City Philadelphia condominiums.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: apartments for sale philadelphia pa, Center City condo, center city condo for sale, center city condo philadelphia, center city condos for sale philadelphia, center city philadelphia condo, center city philadelphia condominiums, condo loft philadelphia rittenhouse square, condominiums philadelphia real estate, condos for sale in center city philadelphia pa, condos in Philadelphia, condos philadelphia, lofts in philadelphia, philadelphia loft, real estate philadelphia condos, rittenhouse sq condos, rittenhouse square condo
December 8, 2009
Is it wrong of me to expect some effort on your part, or Am I some kinda’ goof?

Here is an open letter to a small fraction of the realtors in the world. Most are indeed professional and responsible. This letter is to those who are not.
You say the Philadelphia Condo market is brutal, and you complain about your lack of income. Well guess what? It isn’t just the market working against you. You are working against yourself. For Instance… You don’t own a lockbox , you won’t return my call, and your cell phone is not set up to accept messages, and my buyers really want to see your listing. You make it exceedingly difficult to show your listings. And I ask-Are you outta your mind? I mean, isn ‘t your fiduciary responsibility to work in the best interest of your seller? How do you not see that YOU are the reason that your particular listing isn’t perhaps selling, or at least getting the traffic it deserves?
I know, I should get off my high horse, and stop expecting you to do your job. I should have my head examined for guessing that you are interested in your job enough to actually perform it with the least bit of effort. Oh, and you gave me the wrong alarm code, didn’t mention the owners had a big mean dog inside their Center City Penthouse, and that perhaps the tenants were the angry sort. You said the property was open to FHA financing, which it clearly isn’t, and in your ad, you said parking was included. Now you want $35k for that spot?
I do my best to extol the virtues of professionalism when it comes to dealing with buyers and sellers. I am no saint, but am I wrong to expect some sort of proper behavior on the part of cooperating realtors?
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: 1352 south st condos, 2401 Pa. Ave, academy house condos, Aria condo auction, aria condos philadelphia, Avenue of the arts condos, Center City Real Estate, Condo auction philadelphia, condos in center city, condos in Philadelphia, condos in Philly, condos in Rittenhouse Square, hopkinson house condos, Locust Point condos, Murano Philadelphia, Old City Condos, old city lofts, Philadelphia condo, Philadelphia condo auction, Philadelphia Condominium, Philadelphia condominiums, Philadelphia condos, philadelphia loft, philadelphia real estate, philly condos, philly realtor, rittenhouse square condos, Wanamaker House Condos, www.CenterCityCondos.com
November 17, 2009

Not all associations are created equal!
From rule enforcement to maintenance policies, not all condo associations are run equally well. In a world of “you get what you pay for”, the strength of any condo in Philly is on the same parallel to the condominium association in which that particular unit exists. Some associations perform better than others, have a solid reputation, and help retain the values of the units in the building.
Having exceeding low condo fees may not be in your best interest. I know of no doorman who works for free, nor any elevator that can run forever without upkeep and expense. One of the best example of a well run condo association is Society Hill Towers at 200-220 Locust St. here in Center City (as judged by those who reside at the towers)- residents speak highly of the efficiency and capability of the association to spend, and spend wisely.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: art museum area condos, bella vista lofts, center city condos, Center City Real Estate, Loft District, old city condominiums, philadelphia lofts, philadelphia real estate, philly condos, philly realtor, queen village condos, realtor in philadelphia, rittenhouse square condos, Society Hill Condominiums, Washington Square West Condominiums
November 11, 2009
1) Maybe some rich person from NYC will buy it (yeah-and maybe a cow will jump over the moon….)
2) Does this Philadelphia condo building have condo fees? (Oh no…the doorman/common hallway lights work for free)
3) Are there ghosts in this loft? (Well hold on, and let me call someone and ask)
4) The sellers are moving because they really hate this house (too much disclosure?)
5) The views are very urban in nature (livingroom overlooked a dumpster, bedroom faced a brick wall)
Bonus: What will this piece of Philly real estate be worth in five years? (As it happens, I carry a crystal ball with me at all times)
Realtors are not the only folks guilty of putting their foot in their mouths, it is just that I seemed to be in their company a lot, and have first hand knowledge of some of the absurdities that are said.
If you are looking to weed out some of the BS, give me a call. Perhaps I can help. Again, I’m not perfect, but I may be perfect for you.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: 1352 south st condos, 2401 Pa. Ave, academy house condos, Aria condo auction, aria condos philadelphia, Avenue of the arts condos, Center City Real Estate, Condo auction philadelphia, condos in center city, condos in Philadelphia, condos in Philly, condos in Rittenhouse Square, hopkinson house condos, Locust Point condos, Murano Philadelphia, Old City Condos, old city lofts, Philadelphia condo, Philadelphia condo auction, Philadelphia Condominium, Philadelphia condominiums, Philadelphia condos, philadelphia loft, philadelphia real estate, philly condos, philly realtor, rittenhouse square condos, Wanamaker House Condos, www.CenterCityCondos.com
October 13, 2009
…and you thought being a realtor was all glamour.
I have been sitting Open Houses in Center City Philadelphia for twenty years now. If I add up all the hours I have spent alone in some strangers home, I could have taken a month off in the Bahamas, I am sure. But not all the sitting and waiting for some Philadelphia condo buyer has been in vain. Here are my top (bottom?) 5 Open House experiences that I have lived through:
1) Someone once died in the living room of my lovely Open House. I was in a Washington Square West Condo, and PA. Hospital was but 1/2 block away. Buyer Lived.
2) I once added a cat to someones home. The cat was lurking by the back door. I figured I let him out by mistake. I didn’t. This owner didn’t own a cat.
3) I once sat the wrong Open House. Couldn’t get the key to work. Sat on the front stoop for an hour. Was told a week later I was at the wrong address.
4) I once left an open house, and locked a potential buyer inside. She was knocking on the front door, from inside the house, as I attempted to leave. Good save on her part.
5) I once tracked grease from the sidewalk onto the new carpeting of a model open house I was once sitting. I didn’t tell anyone. It still eats at me at this day.
I’m not perfect, but if you own a Center City Condo, I might just be perfect for you.
Mark Wade
Prudential Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St., Suite 260 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: art museum area condos, bella vista lofts, center city condos, Center City Real Estate, Loft District, old city condominiums, philadelphia lofts, philadelphia real estate, philly condos, philly realtor, queen village condos, realtor in philadelphia, rittenhouse square condos, Society Hill Condominiums, Washington Square West Condominiums
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