January 6, 2014
I have been selling real estate in exclusively in downtown Philadelphia for twenty-five years. I have done some stupid things in my career, and I have witnessed many buyers and sellers making equally stupid moves. I often see buyers and sellers either pinching a dime for a dollar, or just doing some absurd moves that are much more trouble than the expected payoff. And I am sure this is not limited to just Center City buyers…I have no doubt the scenarios play out in every real estate community:

Scenario 1: Having the Last Word
Seller asks $499k for a condo
Buyer and Seller go back and forth, and after a few days, buyer say $480,000 is my “Highest and Best” offer for this parcel. And then seller comes back and says $480,001. Really? You really want to be a douche bag and say that? You are pissing the buyer off, and it will probably cost you much much more in terms of anxiety, anguish, and animosity within the transaction as you are locked into a legally binding contract with this buyer for say the next 60-90 days. Perhaps you should just zip your lip and take the freakin’ $480k instead of having to have the last word. Don’t forget, buyers still have to perform a home inspection.
Scenario 2: Can’t See the Forest For the Trees
Seller asks $499k for a condo
This Philadelphia condo is a bank-owned sty that should be selling for $800k if it weren’t so dirty, missing all the appliances, and listed with Susy Bag O’ Donuts out of Erie, Pa. (it happens…bank foreclosures are often listed by those with no connection to the area). And as a buyer, you get the Big-Brain idea to come in at $400k…because after all, the market is slow, weak, and uncertain. OK….you are an idiot. If you can’t recognize such an overtly strong bargain, and see that the huge upside is the fact that the condo is grossly underpriced at $499k….then maybe you need to do a little more homework on prices and values here in Center City.
Scenario 3: Why Aren’t you Using a Magic Wand?
Sellers asks $499k for a condo
As a buyer, you top out at $480,000 and the seller will still not accept your offer. And recent “comps” suggest the seller is correct as no other unit in the building has sold for under $500k. You then turn to your Realtor and complain that you can’t get the property for $480k. And you are relentless. Even in the face of the facts. But you persist. You dump your Realtor because he or she refuses to wave their magic wand and make this deal happen. You then drive down the road, and see your Realtor Singing and Dancing in the middle of the intersection of Broad and Walnut.
No one likes a whiner. Not even in a “slow, weak, and uncertain” market place. There are bargains to be had and deals to be made. Opportunity exists in all market conditions, and the current state of affairs in Center City- which has weathered the overall real estate storm fairly well- should indeed be taken into account when negotiating the purchase or sale of any parcel in Philadelphia. But knowing when you have crossed the line and driven right into Crazy Town Pa. might be helpful when finding the right piece of Center City real estate. And help you negotiate the best possible, realistic terms.
Mark Wade CenterCityCondos.com
I welcome feedback!
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condominiums, condos in Philadelphia
December 30, 2013
There may be a dozen reasons why your condo may not sell in this real estate market. Many are beyond a sellers control-but SO MANY displeasing features (in the eyes of a buyer) are a direct reflection back onto any given seller. I am sorry. But it’s true….
Here we go:
1) Your condo doesn’t show like a model home. Remember, the emotional wallop is HUGE in the resale value of a condo. You do need to paint, regrout, recaulk, etc etc. And fix that closet door that is off its track. You follow me? No one wants to buy your issues… Many buyers are out to buy emotion and fall in love with their new purchase. Best to pretend your condo is going on a date, and present it with some style and showmanship. And get rid of the clutter. IF the buyer thinks you are outgrowing the space, they too just might think your condo lacks space or storage. I see it time and time again. So very true-day after day, year after year.
2) Your condo is overpriced. If everyone else in your zip code is down in value (from say 2007), there is a reasonable chance your Philadelphia condo value is down as well. It’s not like you can easily escape that fact. You can almost always overcome any other shortcoming to your condo if you price it right. Easy math on that one….
3) Your Realtor is perhaps doesn’t fully have his head in the game. Not really full-time, not from the area, does no marketing, has no real influence on your market segment, and all-in-all, just waits for the phone to ring hoping a buyer will magically appear. For instance- If you owned a $4,000,000,000 single family house to sell in Villanova, I would be the WORST candidate for you. So why are you hiring a friend of a friend from Chadds Ford to sell your Center City condo?
4) Your condo association has neglected to keep the building FHA approved, or at a minimum, Fannie Mae Warrant-able. Meaning your condo can shine like a star, and still not be able to sell because financing options for buyers are exceedingly limited. This can seriously deter many buyers from considering your condo for purchase.
5) Your building looks like hell because no one is stepping up to the plate and keeping the common areas in good visual repair. Buyers don’t even need to see the inside of many Center City condos around town because they have already made up their minds by walking through your lobby and the hallways. I can’t tell you HOW MANY times a buyer (after walking through the building and then stands at the door to your unit) says “I am not going to live here”. They don’t need to see the inside of your condo if they don’t get a good feel for the building. Common. Very common.
Mark Wade
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services | Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: Center City Real Estate, philadelphia, Philadelphia condos
December 16, 2013
Some of the most sought after condo buildings here in Center City are on or very close to lively blocks that are full of activity, or they are on or near bus routes, and can have a close proximity to highways. This is very convenient but can be noisy!
Having constant noise outside your dining room or bedroom could be a big problem. So, I devised a kinda’ cool solution that works like a gem. And in the scheme of things, really doesn’t have to cost a lot.
Here’s the solution: Replace your windows (genius, eh?)!
Depending on where you live in downtown Philadelphia, you may have a fairly strong historic association who mandates the type of window replacement you must use. However, this does not preclude you from installing another set of windows INSIDE the historical set.

You can add a double paned, inexpensive vinyl clad INSIDE the outer set of historically approved windows, giving you a total of 3 or 4 panes of glass between you and the noise. This ingenious little set-up demonstrates how you can effectively keep all city noise out of your Philadelphia loft or condo.
You don’t need to live 30 feet from the highway or live in a super luxury condo building to benefit from this idea. Such insulation also provides extra protection from cold, heat loss, and dirt that gets inside of other single paned windows! To Keep the Value in, You Must keep the noise out!
If you’re thinking of buying or selling a Center City condominium and want some more tips, I can help. Give me a call today at 215-521-1523 or drop me an email at Mark@CenterCity.com.
Mark Wade
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services | Fox and Roach REALTORS®
530 Walnut St. Philadelphia, PA 19106
Tags: center city condos, condos in Philadelphia, real estate philadelphia condos
October 7, 2013

1) Have you ever walked into a condo and found someone naked?
Sleeping, drunk, passed out, in the shower, in the tub, having “relations” behind in a locked bedroom -Yes. But naked- no
2) What is the Value of a parking spot in town?
Up to $150,000 in the hottest, most densely packed parts of Center City Philly. Though rarely available
3) Should I Buy Or Should I Rent?
What do I look like? That’s your call. What I believe is that values have bottomed out, and demand is rising.
4) What do you think of this or that area?
I think you need to look at your priorities, and your desired lifestyle. Rittenhouse and Society Hill have vastly different appeal- one more hustle and bustle, the other more quiet and a hint more suburban. Neither being a negative- you just have to decide what is right for you.
5) When will the Market Improve?
In many segments, it already has- multiple offer bidding, condos selling in a matter of a few days- being seen once again in the 2012 Center City Condo market. Scarcity is going to be the key word in 2012 for many segments.
6) You seem to badmouth a lot of condos… Do people often get pissed at you?
Yes. I was once asked to leave a Brokers Open House when I commented that the owner had a better chance of seeing god than he did of getting his asking price. Listing agent wasn’t happy. She’s been mad at my for like 19 years now. Whatever. I was right. It sat on the market for over 2 years. I will champion the cause of any well priced Philadelphia condo…but I will call ’em as I see ’em in terms of the junky overpriced listings around town.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condominiums, philadelphia
September 4, 2013
There is no such thing as a Sure Thing. No surprise there. But time and time again I see Philadelphia condos where the seller has spent money in order to hopefully improve the resale value of their condo. In most instances, condo owners upgrade for their own Use and Enjoyment- but some do improve with the goal being a higher resale value. Here are common upgrading mistakes I see in the Center City Condo marketplace:
1) Wall to Wall Carpeting in a Living room.
2) Installing a Huge soaking tub/ Jacuzzi like monstrosity
3) Replacing closet doors with Mirrored closet doors
4) Adding a Roof Deck
5) Adding Hi-Hats and / or track lighting
Now certainly there are exceptions to every rule, and in some instances, these additions can add value. But from my experience- the value added is nominal. And in some cases- can actually detract from value. Really depends upon the unit. If you have some of these features in your condo, I would NOT suggest you remove them. But spending money to add them to your existing condo may not provide you with the expected return.
I suggest you throw some money into what buyers seem to always remember:
1) Rework your Closets- You can buy off the shelves at Home Depot or Lowes. I call it the faux California Closet looks. And they can add tremendous value to your condo. Never underestimate the power of good closets in Center City condo value. One of the first things condo buyers do is they check out the closet space.
2) Repainting- Want some Kick-A** ideas? Visit www.Houzz.com for some fab fab fab visuals. Remember, focus on two main colors and highlight with decor pieces as the third. You needn’t paint every wall in a room one color.
3) Recaulk and Regrout Your Bathroom- This is huge, and doesn’t cost a lot. Email me and I can send you references to
make your bathroom look 1000% better- and can be done in a day. Don’t underestimate this upgrade, please.
4) Replace all the knobs and pulls in your kitchen and bathroom. And try Pottery Barn or Restoration Hardware. This is a huge and inexpensive way to really put “icing on the cake” in two of the most important rooms in your home. And if you want to take it a step further- after you do the above 4 Upgrades- think about replacing interior door knobs. Again, a small visual cue that can really set the tone and feel of you condo.
Want my input? Call me, and I will come over and do a quick assessment of your place…No biggie. I have been on HGTV for the decorating I did in my own home, and I won Philly Mag’s Kitchen of the Year contest back in 2005.
So I’m thinkin’……I am kinda’ groovy, you see 🙂
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condos in Philadelphia, Philadelphia condominiums
August 26, 2013
Mick Jagger once said “It’s alright letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back”. I like that…and think the phrase is apt when considering a condo purchase. I bought in a building that was perceived to have a hint of risk (in terms of value retention)-
but I snagged the condo at such a great price, I know that if I ever want to move to the moon– I can sell my condo without losing money.
But you do have to be wary of the units I call the “HOTEL CALIFORNIA” condos- meaning you can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave- because you simply can resell the damned thing.
Here are 5 things to consider when determining the risk of a condo purchase:
1) The Cost of the Condo- If you buy a Center City condo at half the price similar condos are selling for- then most of the risk is removed. It gets back to one issue- NOT OVERPAYING.
2) Owner Occupancy Ratios can be an issue in SOME buildings- as a lack of Fannie Mae Warrant-ability can be a sign of a risky condo purchase. BUT by no means is this the only factor- it may just be a factor in assessing the risk.
3) Reputation and Resale History- There are buildings in town where NO CONDO has resold for 5 years. Not as rare as you might think. If no one else is buying in the building- you need to start asking me questions as to why.
4) Deferred Maintenance– I can name two buildings off the top of my head that need HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars of repair, upkeep and maintenance work just to put them on par with their competition. I generally would avoid, unless of course you can just steal the condo outright (at a killer price). Otherwise, future assessments may wreak havoc on your investment dollars in that Philadelphia condo.
5) Buying within the Price Frames of the building- Buying a $2M condo in a building where the average price is $250,000 and is overwhelmingly populated with say studios may not be in your best financial interest, and may be a risky purchase.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condominiums philadelphia real estate, real estate philadelphia condos
August 19, 2013
Between 1995 and 2005, my brother and I flipped over WELL over 100 condos in town
Here are a few secrets that I discovered:

1) You can screw up any decision, but the one thing you can’t do is overpay at the start. If you do, then the whole venture is doomed. You have to let value be a top guiding priority.
2) Don’t Get over your head.
Cosmetic flips are much much much easier than those needing a full scale rehab. BUY UGLY!
3) Make sure the Philadelphia condo is in a building that is solid, and is fanne mae warrantable. If you cant sell it on the back end, then your efforts will be for naught.
4) I cant stress ENOUGH about the importance of visual appeal. You MUST make your finished product stand out in terms of emotional impact. Finishes purely off the shelf from Home Depot aren’t going to cut it. Hire an interior decorator to decide paint colors, finishes, and even the how the unit will be staged- Please!
Tags: Center City Real Estate, condos in Philadelphia, Philadelphia condo
August 12, 2013
OK…here is how 2013 will be remembered: Buyers got their mo-jo back

I have recently seen many more multiple offers and buyer competing with each other, a shortened “DOM” (days on market), sales over asking price and clear inventory reduction throughout the entire Center City condo market.
The next logical step is an across the board price increase. We are already seeing some segments of the market experience sizable gains in the first half of 2013- And now I think the rest of the market is catching up….expect to see those gains really show their face in the spring 2014 market.
From a Realtor’s perspective- the upside is that more comparable sales are now in the MLS- and many within segments where no prior relevant comparables existed (recent ones anyway).
This is going to be huge for further price escalations as Appraisers now have something concrete to base their values upon.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, philadelphia
July 15, 2013
You can check out anytime you like… but can you ever leave (sell) that condo ?
What is the Achilles heel to resale and value? Key fatal flaws in a condo may prove difficult to resell a condo.

I asked around the Real Estate Community, and here is what most Realtors believe to be a tough sell:
1) A very expensive unit in a low rise building without an elevator – On a high floor. Meaning $1M for a 5th floor walk up. Though some of the best deals in town can be found on the 3rd floors of many blgds.
2) A Three story tall cheap metal spiral staircase that screams “death” ? Yeah, that isn’t easy to overcome.
One flight of spirals in town is a great space saver. Three flights can be visually daunting.
3) Condo fees over over $1 per sq ft per month without a doorman, parking, pool, or even a gym. An inverse relationship can exist between condo fees and resale value. Add the burden of non- fanne mae warrant-ability, and you have on tough sale on your hands.
4) Buildings that just look like sh*t- from the exterior, to the lobby, elevators, and hallways. Where ongoing maintenance is clearly not a priortiy.
NOW….there is one possible upside to buying a condo in a building that may possess some of the above characteristics – And that would be price. An exceedingly well priced condo can be forgiven for its many attached sins.
Tags: Center City condo, Center City Real Estate, condos in Philadelphia, philadelphia
May 13, 2013
I get the shivers when I think of people investing in new Philadelphia Condos that are still on the drawing board. Do these people have some kind of condominium ESP I lack?
After almost 3 decades selling Center City condos, I know one thing is for sure: there’s a big disparity between finished condo projects and the drawings that started them.
Let’s take a couple of Philadelphia condo projects as an example. Any two projects… line them up side by side in terms of resale ability, quality of finishes, the overall fit, the light views, etc.
In both instances, buyers are asked to plunk down money, site unseen. It’s quite a gamble, isn’t it? Doesn’t it just make sense that there will be winners and losers? Some people will get the Philadelphia condos of their dreams; other people will get a nightmare.
You also have to ask yourself about the resale factor. Some Philadelphia condos simply do not resell well. Other Center City condos are at the opposite end of the spectrum- buyers are reselling for a good deal more than they originally paid a few years ago and have little trouble doing it.
So do we really know what we are getting into when we buy Philadelphia real estate that is not yet built? Unless you have condominium ESP, you can never know for sure. But, it does help to know a bit (or a lot) about condos and Philadelphia and buyers in general. That’s the best way I know of to determine whether un-built Philadelphia condos will ultimately be successful. Learn more about Center City planning for growth.
Ready to stop relying on condominium ESP? With my years of experience representing buyers and sellers of Philadelphia and Center City condos, I can guide you through today’s real estate maze and help you come out a winner! Give me a call today at 215-521-1523 or drop me and email at mark@centercity.com
Tags: Center City condo, center city philadelphia condo, condos in Philadelphia, Philadelphia condominiums
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