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July 1, 2013

5 Times When I Have to Tell a Buyer “NO”

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 12:04 pm

You don’t get if you don’t ask….but there are times when I have to say NO to a buyer’s request. I just can’t….Sorry 🙁
1) Getting condo docs in advance of your offer- Condo docs are ordered by the seller and can cost up to $300. No seller orders prior to a sale in my experience.
2) Make an offer on two Center City condos  simultaneously- Sorry, but you have to make up your mind. You need to approach an offer in good faith…and like dating, you really can only do so one at a time. You may want to two time…but you really can’t.
3) Move In Prior To Settlement- Perhaps if you rub a lamp, this wish could come true. It ain’t going to happen. You can move in when you own the condo. Period.
4) Expect the Owner to Leave The Condo Spic & Span- Yeah….that ain’t going to happen. The contract calls for “Broom Swept Clean” condition.
5) Expecting there not to be nail holes in walls where pictures once hung- Pictures do not magically float or levitate onto walls. They are put there via nails and screws. Expect that holes to remain once the pictures are gone. Shocking, right?
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June 10, 2013

7 Ways To Lower Your Condo Fees

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 9:42 am

….fairly painlessly

Of course all associations could lower their condo fees if they made an effort. Now I wouldn’t go as far as to say that some condo associations piss their money away, but I think a look into some common money saving practices around town is fair game. I’m just saying:

pain face


1) Install 1.6 Gallons Per Flush toilets in entire building. Get rid of all the old 5.5 Gallon Per Flush toilets commonly installed in the 1960’s. And believe me, some Center City condos in town circa 1965 still have many of those hugely wasteful toilets in use today.


2) In buildings with a common HVAC for ALL condo units

provide free window tinting for all units that request. Even a 1%-2% savings is going to mean big money for larger buildings. Apply professionally. Also- add programmable thermostats and teach unit owners how to use. No need to heat a condo unit while owner is away from 8am-6pm!


3) In Brownstone styled buildings- Assign someone to form a committee to have your master-insurance policy reviewed. Then do it again. Get 5 competitive bids, and make sure your deductible is spot-on for your liability policy.


4) In Mid-Rise styled buildings- consider having hallway lights activate with motion. That way, you are not running all lighting to all areas of the building 24/7. And spend the money to replace light bulbs with high efficiency bulbs.


5) In larger Associations- consider forming a garden committee. Why pay for landscaping to be done when you may have 75 volunteers to do the work on the weekends?


6) In smaller Associations- Consider the possible benefit of replacing your doorman with a “Virtual Doorman” – one that electronically monitors the front door to permit guest access and registers the comings and goings of those in and out of the building. A few buildings in town have done so quite effectively.


7) In Brownstone Styled/ Lowrise Associations– consider managing “In-House” – if you have say 10 or fewer units total.


Remember- If your Philadelphia condo association isn’t being run like a business (which in essence, it is) then someone isn’t doing

their job. Capiche?

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May 28, 2013

Move in Dates for New Philadelphia Condos

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 3:23 pm

I always find it interesting when developers or REALTORS advertise a spring 2013 delivery for Center City condos and the project has yet to break ground. I’m thinking, it’s summer 2013 and your project isn’t even started!

Or, how about those large signs in the ground announcing a new development that got axed nine months ago? Look around town, you can see a few.construction_sign

I don’t know why delivery dates for new construction Philadelphia condos are so wrong sometimes but I do have my theories.

Perhaps these developers are unaware of what it takes to get Philadelphia condos approved and built. Maybe its a bit of wishful thinking on the part of the REALTOR: will and early delivery date increase the traffic through their site?

More likely, it’s a bit of both.

Any buyer looking at pre-construction projects should be told of the inherent delays in new construction. Buyers must be aware of the countless pieces of the puzzle that need to fit into place in order for a project to come together. And they must be told the truth- that often, developers have zero control of the puzzle pieces. (Think city and state permit requirements for example.)

I think it would be difficult in most cases to adequately predict, some nine months in advance, an exact settlement date for your new condo. To me, promising a delivery date that clearly isn’t within range is a mistake. REALTORS and developers of new Philadelphia condos lose credibility when they do this.

I started thinking about all this remembering a mistake I made. (I know, I know. I, of all people should know better!) When I was moving I actually messed up my calculations on a new construction piece. I ended up in corporate housing for six months. (You can imagine what a pain in the ass that was. Two extra moves…)

If you’re considering Philadelphia condos in a new construction project, be wary of the advertised delivery date. Allow for some grace time with your lease. Don’t make completely firm plans with your moving company. You’ll avoid a lot of headaches brought on by unforeseen construction delays.

Stop trying to comprehend today’s complex real estate market all alone. Give me a call today at 215-521-1523 or drop me an email at Together, we’ll find your perfect Center City Condo or sell your Philadelphia condo… and ave fun doing it!


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May 20, 2013

Buy That Condo That Smells of Dog Pee

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 10:11 am

And has dirty orange shag carpeting. And faded purple painted walls. Really!

I have been preaching this mantra for some eighteen years now here in Center City Philadelphia. And it has worked! Our little group of seven REALTORS ( at Prudential Fox & Roach REALTORS sell over 160 Philadelphia condos and Philadelphia townhouses every year to very happy owners.

One distinction that we can brag about is the fairly sizable profits a lot of our buyers make when they call us a number of years later to resell their Center City condos. Now granted, a lot of that has to do with the market conditions, and the fact that Philadelphia real estate has been on an upswing for the past dozen or so years. But, a significant reason many of our Philadelphia condo buyers make money is because we guide them to properties that are diamonds in the rough.


Buyers are probably going to find the smelly, ugly Center City condos severely discounted (disproportionately) lower than one might expect… because few other buyers are emotionally attracted to these “dogs”.  My goal is to get buyers to see past the simple outdated or unattractive cosmetics that are inherent in a number of downtown Philadelphia lofts, condos, and townhomes.

I feign deafness when I hear a buyer tell me that the “place is perfect, except I don’t like the carpeting”. Or that the appliances are old and the inside of the refrigerator smells like the inside of their gym bag. Those issues are what I call PHONE CALL UPGRADES. You pick up the telephone, you dial the local Home Depot or Lowes and you set an appointment for them to cone out and replace the appliances and carpet. You place one call to a painter who repaints all the faded purple colored walls. These are one step-one call upgrades. This isn’t brain surgery. We are not moving the kitchen which would involve moving gas line, water lines, replacing flooring, redoing baseboard moldings on and on and on. Simple stuff…”One Phone Call” Stuff.

And that is where many buyers see a huge increase in their resale price: simple, light cosmetic work. The kind of work that takes a pee smelling, dirty orange shag carpeted piece of ick, and adds significant emotional value through the use of good decorating skills, cleanliness, and minor cosmetic upgrades that are readily visible to the eye.

Buy ugly. Buy smell. And sell oohs and aahs… Then sing and dance all the way to the bank.

Ready to discover your own diamond in the rough? Give me a call today at 215-521-1523 or drop me and email at We’ll smell out those “dogs” and find you a real ooh and aah buy!

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May 6, 2013

I too LOVE model homes

Filed under: Center City Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 2:24 pm

There is something to be said about model homes. I love them.  I want to buy everyone I see.  Brand spanking new model homes-versus-character laden, gorgeous, historic homes- which do I choose? The great thing about Philadelphia real estate is that there are fantastic properties at both ends of the spectrum.

While I am a veteran home flipper (my brother and I have bought, rehabbed, and resold 140+ Philadelphia condominiums and town homes)  I have to admit I am intensely attracted to the pretty residential faces of model homes.

It really is an occupational hazard! I want to move every week. This is in spite of the fact that the Philadelphia loft condo I currently share with m other half has been featured on HGTV.

We rehabbed our circa 1813 Old City condo (with three-car parking inside a really cool private gated courtyard) from scratch. We chose every material and item in it ourselves. Okay, we grossly overspent. But, we also won the 2005 Philadelphia Magazine’s Kitchen of the Year Contest.

But like a lot of you who love historic Philadelphia real estate, I also love model homes. I used to preach the mantra of “With a town the brought you Betsy Ross and Ben Franklin, historic homes sell-well!” And although I do throw that line out there to buyers from time to time, the truth is I’m a sucker for Philadelphia’s new construction model homes.


Am I a hypocrite? Should I not utter what I covet?

When you see what’s available in terms of model homes, you can’t help seeing the benefits of owning one of these properties.

I am telling you, give me a new construction ranch house, with a driveway, garage, patio, and 1/4 acre yard in Old City-And I am willing to bet that I would go directly into the intersection of Broad and Walnut Streets, and dance a bit… right there in the middle of the street. Honest.

Of course, that ranch house has to be “Model Home” gorgeous. You know, with all the latest designer furniture, wall coverings, hip features, new paint, etc.

It’s all about life style. Getting into a house or Philadelphia condominium that doesn’t require any work so you can sit back and enjoy your new property is a big bonus. I know I would love that type of lifestyle with all my heart. And never, ever, ever want to leave. That’s right, never.

Until, of course, the next time I was out showing a buyer a new construction penthouse condominium with gorgeous outside patios. Slowly but surely all closet doors are being slid open, rooms explored for the first time, kitchens ogled and bathrooms admired, that feeling will come over me again.

I’ll be struck with the itch to own one of the amazing model homes available on the Philadelphia real estate market. And you’ll find me back in the intersection of Broad and Walnut Streets doing my own crazy version of the model home dance.

Whether you want to buy a new construction or historic beauty, I can help you get the best price and terms. ( I can even help you choose between the two.) Give me a call today at 215-521-1523 pr drop me an email at


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April 29, 2013

I would watch these “home shows”…

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,For Sellers,General Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 11:44 am

I like programs on TV about real estate. I think the shows are timely, relevant, and interesting. A nice combination of education and entertainment centered around a topic everyone likes to talk about- Real Estate buying and selling.


Here are some ideas I have for TV programs that I would like to watch, because as a Philadelphia REALTOR, I encounter a plethora of situations I believe are worthy of their own TV segments:

Buy a Home From Me… or Get out of My Car- A show where buyers who really are not interested in buying, but just want a guided tour to see some cool homes, are called on the carpet.

Lazy, Stupid REALTORS- A show featuring some of the lazy stupid things REALTORS do… Like advertising open houses, and then not bothering to show up for it.

Buyers- What Are You, Nuts? – A show where buyers grossly overpay for a home simply because they like the way the home shows and/or because of the cleanliness of the interior.

Sellers- What Are You, Nuts? – A show where sellers want to sell their homes for more than any other house in their ZIP code because they “KNOW” their home is the nicest in the entire area.

Yes, You Have to Pay Condo Fees – A show that captures the quizzical looks of buyers when they learn that the Center City condo front doorman doesn’t work for free. Or, that the elevators do run on electricity, which results in a common bill for ALL condo owners.

You Want to Buy WHAT?? – A show that features buyers who purchase the polar opposite of what they tell their REALTOR they’re looking for.

Any Closet is a Walk-In Closet if You Try Hard Enough – A show featuring the silly things that come out of REALTORS mouths when trying too hard to make a sale.

Fighting Spouses – She wants a Philadelphia condominium; he wants a Center City loft. The differences play out before the cameras! Or, she wants to buy, he doesn’t.

Parents Say the Darnest Things – So eager for their kids to move OUT of the house, parents find a positive side to the worst possible properties on the market!

Let me help you make sure your Center City real estate transaction doesn’t become the next hit reality show. Give me a call today at 215-521-1523 or drop me an email at

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April 8, 2013

Low Condo Fees and Your Resale Value

Filed under: Center City Real Estate — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 9:55 am

I am a REALTOR in downtown Philadelphia. I specialize in selling Center City condos and have for the past 23 years of my career.

Condominium buildings, like cars, teeth, and gardens, require ongoing maintenance and care. In an effort to cut your personal costs, try not buying toothpaste or floss for a year, and see where that gets ya’. In the long run, its probably going to cost you more than if you bought (and used, of course) toothpaste, floss, and mouth rinse. One dental bill can blow those costs out of the water. The same analogy can be said about Philadelphia condo buildings.

I’m always amazed when I go onto a listing appointment and the owner tries to sell me on the fact that the condo fees in his building are super low, as compared to similar condo buildings in downtown Philadelphia. Perhaps Me. Seller things I am new to this planet. It’s been my experience that somewhat abnormally low condo fees for a particular building can actually result in a lower resale price for those Philadelphia condos.

Let’s say a condo association decides its going to keep fees minimal because the owners got together and decided NOT to raise fees yearly. Bad move, I say! Interior and exterior maintenance projects are going to be lacking, most likely, as will routine projects like cleaning exterior windows, hall carpeting replacement, etc.

I think a HUGE portion of a buyer’s perception of a particular Center City condo is formed in his or her brain PRIOR to him or her entering that specific condo. If the common hallways are dirty, the exterior weak in terms of curb appeal, etc., it is not going to reflect well on any unit within that Philadelphia condominium building.

Such glaring deficiencies in the showing ability of the building as a whole should not be underestimated by any condo association. Certainly the prospective buyer walking in the front door for the first time is going to see those deficiencies…

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April 2, 2013

Guest Post: Why Living in the Center of Philly is Better than Suburban Living

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 11:02 am

Personal circumstances such as your job, family and lifestyle preferences determine whether or not city life is a good fit but for many, the center of Philadelphia is the place to be.  The City of Brotherly Love, a big city with a small town feel, is known for its friendly residents and if you love the vibrant life in cities Philly condos have a lot to offer. Trees and parks offer a refreshing contrast to its museums and shopping centers. Philadelphia is, quite literally, the best of both worlds. Decide for yourself if it’s right for you.


Less Reliance on Automobiles
Philly has a terrific public transportation system. It runs in a timely manner and can get you almost anywhere you want to go in the city or the surrounding areas. Commutes are quick and, if you prefer walking, almost anything is within reach. Shopping, entertainment and a wide variety of restaurants are within reasonable walking distance. In the suburbs, you will likely have to run a car, adding significant expense to your monthly budget and never mind the time spent commuting.

Wide-Ranging Culture
Philadelphia is known for its vibrant art scene. It’s not uncommon to see used forklifts moving sculptures, paintings and other pieces of art into a building. Museums, the zoo, and popular sports teams also bring entertainment to the city. If you’re a shopaholic, you’ll enjoy a large variety of boutiques, larger department stores and small specialty shops.
Even better, Philadelphia is one of America’s oldest cities and is full of historical significance. Its architecture is second to none. You can find a multitude of different cuisines; the city has many ethnic restaurants if you’re up for new experiences. There are diverse neighborhoods and Center City condos with distinct cultural offerings, so you’re never bored and without something to do.
Philadelphia is also home to some prestigious educational institutions, such as the University of Pennsylvania, which add to the vigor and excitement of one of America’s favorite cities. All of this can be right outside your door.

Real Affordability
Compared to living in some cities like New York and Chicago, living in Philadelphia is quite affordable. Rent is cheaper and because public transportation is plentiful, saving on getting to and from work is easy. Cars require maintenance and upkeep; you don’t have to worry about those costs if you live in the city center. Even purchasing a home is more affordable in Philly than it is in comparable cities in the United States.

If you’re looking to move to Philly, don’t just settle on the suburbs. Instead, think about everything the City of Brotherly Love has to offer you and your family.


Michelle is an aspiring writer with a passion for blogging. She enjoys writing about a vast variety of topics and loves that blogging gives her the opportunity to publicly voice her thoughts and share advice with an unlimited audience.

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March 25, 2013

High Floors- Worth The Higher Price?

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,For Sellers,Real Estate: Condominiums — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 8:45 am

     It is no secret that new developments in Center City are primarily priced according to not only the size of the Philly condo, but also the floor height. Sometimes asking prices are as much as $50,000 per floor. And to some degree, I get it. Higher floors usually always mean a better view, perhaps more prestige, whatever. Though not everyone wants to be on the top floor of any given building around town. Sometimes the lower floors give really nice tree or treetop views, which can be in demand as well.
     But what happens to that paid premium over time? Does that equation pan out in 50 years? Look no further than say the Hopkinson House, or Society Hill Towers for that answer.
Here is my Two Cents:
   Over time, floor height value has a tendency to erode. Sure, given the opportunity, a great many buyers would rather be on a higher floor for the views, but I do not believe that this is the guiding light of value. Over time, the value equation points more squarely on interior condition….and that is not a reflection of any given Center City Condo.
   A gorgeous unit on a low floor at the Hopkinson House can indeed garner a higher sale price than an average looking unit on a higher floor (Note- major caveats here….a low floor unit with zero view, overlooking the trash dumpster might cause a low floor to generate a low offer).  Now if two units are 100% identical in an older building, sure- we will likely see a premium paid for that higher floor….but I would suggest that the equation more hinges on interior condition as the driving force in resale value.
   So should you pay the premium for a higher floor? That is up to you. I am just sayin’ that I do not think that higher floors necessarily garner a higher sale price as the years go by- I think the value is more reflective of interior condition. So maybe you don’t see the return on the investment- but for many, the kick-ass views are well worth the initial investment.
   So in the end- the premium paid for a view is your call.  We recently bought on the 9th floor of a new highrise here in town- kinda’ in the middle of the building overlooking treetops which we thought provided the view without to paying too much of a premium.



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March 18, 2013

Non Warrantable Condo Financing – Options are Opening up!!

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 11:26 am
In the past 5 years or so, Fannie Mae has come up with rules that have made it nearly impossible to finance
various condos that they believe to be high risk. Though their rules have not changed, we are beginning to see some
lenders venture into the previously uncharted (difficult to finance) waters.
So should you be looking at a condo that Fannie Mae deems to be unwarrantable, here is a lender that may
now be able to help. This is huge- And a huge benefit to those buyers and sellers looking for options.
Here is my top secret source:
Tony Bomis
Residential Mortgage Banker
Susquehanna Bank- Mortgage Division
301 W. Lancaster Avenue
Wayne, PA 19087
Direct Cell (610)389-1590
Efax (610)628-6262


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530 Walnut Street, Suite 480
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Direct: 215.521.1523 ~ Office: 215.627.6005
Fax: 215.627.3142
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