So you bought a condo from me…did the home inspection and now are getting your mortgage wrapped up….now what??
You pretty much just sit and wait. Wait for the mortgage company to ask you for things you have already supplied to them 🙂  And know that there are many things going on in the background of which you may be unaware- We (my team) will be procuring the title report and clearing the title for the closing, ordering the “City Cert” (which is required for all closing in the City of Philadelphia for all condos ranging from the Rittenhouse Hotel at 210 W. Rittenhouse to Waterfront Square Condos), ordering the payoff statements for the seller, ordering the condo docs from the association/mgmt. company, and preparing your final settlement sheet (The HUD-1) in order to have a smooth closing. At this time, you will want to call the electric company and possibly gas company. If you need to have a street blocked off for a moving van- then you will want to call the streets department and get that set up as well. We will be doing a pre-settlement walk-through usually an hour before settlement to make sure the home is in the same condition it was when you put the condo under agreement.  So sit tight, enjoy the ride and start planning on your move into the city!