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Condos and Lofts


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October 2024

March 4, 2013

Is a Condo right for you?

Filed under: Center City Real Estate,For Buyers,Of Interest to Buyers — Center City Philadelphia Real Estate Agent @ 10:58 am

Condominium; an apartment house, office building, or other multiple-unit complex which is individually owned, with an individual deed and right to sell the individual unit of that building. So many uses of the word “individual” but that’s not exactly the word most people would use to describe a condo. Yes, you have your individual unit, but it is in a shared building with shared amenities, such as pool, gym, and/or tennis court, and shared responsibility to show your neighbors the utmost respect.

Let’s back track for a minute. You stopped at the word “amenities” didn’t you? That’s right, when living in a condo amenities such as these are right in your “backyard”, so to speak. Some Philly condos even go as far as to providing you with town car or private bus service to and from your destinations! Not a bad deal for a small fee.

A fee is described as a charge or payment for professional service. That couldn’t hit the nail harder on the head. Along with all the amenities included in your “condo fee”, which is a monthly payment for access to all that a condo has to offer, you also receive the privilege of professional services such as lawn and exterior maintenance as well as indoor home repairs. There are so many wonderful things a condo has to offer.

Condos provide a sense of a safer environment for people living alone or looking after small children considering the extra eyes that are always around. Living in a condo is like working in an office, you have your own personal and private space, yet you aren’t alone, and you aren’t too far from a neighbor or friend.

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