Anonymity In High Rise Living
You’re out of your mind if you think you
are going to know who lives on your floor…
I live in a high rise and besides the elderly couple who live next door and
often ask if I can help them with miscellaneous computer issues,
I truly have no idea of anyone else’s name on my floor. And we have
been here for FIVE years.
And that is pretty much where the familiarity begins and ends.
Not that I don’t want to get to know them- I think they are all very aware
of the communal living aspect that condo living affords and seem like great people.
But unlike a suburban house with windows and a yard- there are no windows that look out onto my hallway. I have no idea who is coming or going and I rarely see them. It is not like I put a lawn chair in the hallway like Kramer from Seinfeld. So where they work, what kind of car they drive, when they leave in the morning- I don’t have a clue.
And that is OK with me.
And don’t even think of asking who lives above or below me because
I have never seen them in my life. They could be from another planet for all I know.
If I want to socialize, I will go to one of the parties or hang around the lobby and
chit chat with past clients or those I see at the dog park.
You can “blend” in a high rise if you choose, or you can be the head of the social committee. The choice is yours. But neither is mandatory.